Latest News / Awon akotun Irohin
OPA meets Saturday at Atitebis'
Give scholarships Aug 9 at Ibadan
Members of Oke ogun Progressive Association (USA Inc.) will converge in Jamaica,
New York home of the Atitebi Family for their quarterly meetingon Saturday, July 9th, 2007 beginning from 1.00 p.m..
Information reaching Oloye News indicated that matters
concerning the progress of the association, members' welfare and the scheduled fund raising coming up at Ibadan, Nigeria are
top on the agenda of issues to be discussed at the meeting.
Meanwhile, arrangements are in top gear for the launch of the association's Educational
Fund slated for August 9, 2007 at the Banquet Hall, Premier Hotel, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
The get-together has always been used as an opportunity to call attention of Oke
ogun people in particular as well as the general public to the importance of education.
"There is no nation or society in contemporary history that develops without an
educated citizenry" said Professor Segun Odesina, president of the association, when justifying why OPA place so much
emphasis on educating the youths of Oke ogun.
Odesina, who is a university lecturer, a technologist and educational administrator
asserted that in these days of globalisation, 'any nation or society that fails to put high premium on education is toying
with its future".
Speaking in a similar vein during a chat with Oloye News's editor-in-chief at
his Queens, New York home, OPA secretary, Mr Toye Okesola said that education liberates the mind, connects people and opens
"An educated person has confidence in himself, is able to seek opportunities and
come up with initiatives with which the society can be developed", he said, adding that a society with a large number
who are not educated is carrying a big liability.
Okesola, an engineer and an administrator, was positive that as more people
get educated, most of the ills we are complaining about in our country will become matters of history.
The association expects Oke ogun indigenes and their well-wishers to show more
commitments to educational and social development of the area. One of the ways of doing this is to donate generously at the
Fund Raising scheduled for Ibadan, according to the association's president.
It would be recalled that for some time now, the association has been providing
sumptous financial assistance to deserving Oke ogun students in tertiary institutions on a yearly basis.
The financial support is to support students that might have found it somewhat
difficult paying their fees and meeting other demands of higher education.
Beneficiaries are drawn from all the 13 local government councils in the area
which are Atisbo, Ibarapa East, Ibarapa Central, Ibarapa North, Irepo, Itesiwaju, Iwajowa, Kajola, Saki East, Saki West, Olorunsogo,
UN anxious about peace situation
July 20, 2007: New York By
Jare Ajayi
The United
Nations has again expressed serious reservation over the security situation in Iraq. Deputy Secretary-General of the the world body, Ms Asha-Rose Migiro stated the body's position while speaking at
the UN headquarters in New York at a meeting on the Mid-Year Report on
the International Compact on Iraq.
According to theUN second-in-command, the various programs to rebuild Iraq
and enhance the welfare of the people are being jeorpardised by the actos of insurgency going on there.
"The security situation remains the most significant determining factor in the implementaiton of the Compact."
Acknowledging that Iraqi leadership was operating under a serious atmosphere, Migiro said that 'the progress achieved
thus far under the Compact initiative is remarkable".
She then called for more dedication on the part of Iraqis and support of the international community. "Iraq is in a difficult transtion. It is at this critical juncture that the government needs the suppport of the international
community so that it can face the daunting challenges ahead. the Compact offers a robust framework for identifying and measuring
Iraq's needs so as to enable the best application of internationa support to priority
areas in an effective and transparent way".
In his remark, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General and co-chairman on the Compact and Other Political Issues,
Ambassador Ibrahim Gambari explained the Compact as representing "a five year road map to help Iraq achieve its long-term goals of economic prosperity, political stability and lasting
security. Much worl will be needed to keep the Compact on track, but I am confident that the people and Government of Iraq
will rise to the enormous challenge".
While conceding that the Compact faces enourmous challenges, Gambari assured Iraqi government and people as well as
their supporters that the UN "remains not only supportive of the Compact, but strongly committed to its full implementaiton
in partnership with teh Iraqi Government. The UN continutes to support the Compact Secretariat".
The Internation Compact on Iraq was launched on May 3, this year as a way of eliciting the international suport for the rebuilding of Iraq politically, economically and socially. It was basically a tripatite thing between
the UN, Iraq government and the International Monetary Fund.
Taiwo Olaniyi di asoju UNESCO
Ajo ti n se konkari eto Eko, Imo Ijinle ati Asa ni Agbaye (UNESCO) ti yan ogbontagi onise-ona omo Yoruba
kan, Oloye Taiwo Olaniyi (ti gbogbo aye mo si Twin Seven Seven) gege bi asoju re nipa asa ati ise-ona.
Ilu Paris ni orile-ede Faranse ni ayeye yii ti waye ninu osu Karun-un odun yii.
Gege bi Oludari Agba UNESCO, Ogbeni Koichiro Matsuura se wi, Olaniyi gba oriyin lati je asoju ajo pataki
yii latari ise takuntakun to n gbe se nipa ise-ona ati asa.
Omo bibi ilu Osogbo ni ipinle Osun ni Oloye Olaniyi i se. Ise ona bi aworan yiya si ara patako, aso, kaadi,
ati beebee lo ni o n se. Bee ni o n ko orin pelu ohun adidun ti Eledumare fi jinki re. Ere ori itage paapaa wa lara ona ti
Twin Seven Seven fi n da araye laraya.
Ise owo onise-ona naa wa ni opolopo orile-ede agbaye nigba ti ise wonyi si ti gbe oun paapaa de origun mereerin
orile alaaye.
A o se iranti pe Ojogbon Wole Soyinka naa ti gba iru oriyin yii ni bi odun meloo sehin. Eyi wa lara bi o
se je pe akowe onigege ara naa fi je jakunmo ti ki i se eran ibi kan soso mo.
Olaniyi ki i se aimo oloko ni ile Naijiria. Ohun iwuri lo si je fun awa Yoruba ati ile Naijiria pe omo wa
kan tun gba iru ogo yii.
Ajewo ni iru oye bayii niwon igba ti eni ti won ba fun ko ba ti hu iwa ibaje. Awon asoju awa Yoruba wonyi,
omoluabi ni won, abawon ko si ni i kan lu aso ala won lagbara Eleduwa.
Yoruba satilehin fun Guusu Naijiria
Awon asiwaju ile Yoruba ti so pe ko ye ki ariyanjiyan wa rara lori alekun owo amusowo ti n kan agbegbe ti
won ti n wa alumooni inu ile ni orile-ede Naijiria.
Eyi waye latari fanfa ti n lo lowo lori aba ti awon ara agbegbe guusu (South-South) mu wa si ibi Apero ti
n lo lowo l'Abuja. Aba won ni pe ki agbegbe kookan ni eto si ida meedogbon ninu ogorun-un ninu owo ti won ba pa lori alumooni
ti won ba mu jade lati agbegbe naa. A o se iranti pe agbegbe ti a wi yii ni won ti n wa epo, eyi ti orile-ede Naijiria fi
n se agbeji-ara bayii. Epo ti won n wa ni adugbo yii ti so ile won di 'koseegbe' nipa pe ise oko ko see se lori ile naa, bee
ni eja ko si ninu odo won - se oro epo naa ati ina ti n jade lala lati ibi ategun epo ko lee fi aye sile fun nnkan abemi lati
ye nibe.
Eyi lo mu ki awon eniyan naa ke gbajare pe o ye ki owo to joju maa te awon lowo lati fi maa wo egbo ti epo
yii n da si awon lara. Aba akoko tile ni pe ki awon ni eto lori gbogbo owo to ba n wole, ki awon kan maa san owo-oya fun ijoba
apapo. Sugbon nigba ti won fa oro naa lo, fa a bo, won gba pe ki o je aadota lori ogorun-un. Eyi ko tun te awon ti won jo
wa ni Apero lorun. Nigba yi ni awon ara guusu naa ba ni koburu, nigba ti awon fe ki a si tun dijo wa po gege be orile-ede
kan, awon gba pe ki owo amusowo awon je idakan ninu idamerin (25 %). Amo sa, won fi kun pe eyi yoo maa le ida marun-un marun-un
ni odun kookan titi odun marun-un ti n bo nigba ti owo ti n bo si awon lowo yoo je aadota ninu ida ogorun-un.
Awon ara oke oya (ile Aarewa) fi aake kori pe eyi ko lee se e se. Pelu agidi ni won fi gba pe ki ida metadinlogun
maa bo si owo awon ti a wi yii. Sugbon awon guusu ko jale pe bi ko ba pe ida meedogbon, awon ko ni i gba. Oro yii lo je ki
apero naa di asoro.
Ojo Kokanla osu keje ni won fi ipadabo won si ni Abuja. Ero ijoba to gbe apero naa kale ni pe nigba ti yoo
ba fi di ojo ti a wi yii, inu olukaluku yoo ti ro. Se won ko ni ye ba ara won soro bonkele ni asiko ti won fi tuka yii.
Ninu ipade ti awon gomina ile Yoruba ba awon asoju won nibi Apero naa se ni ilu Ibadan lojo Aje, ojo ketadinlogbon,
osu Okudu (June), ko si ohun kan to yapa nipa pe ki awon asoju naa se atilehin fun awon ara guusu lori ohun ti won n beere.
Afenifere, Egbe igbimo Yoruba (Yoruba Council of Elders) ati Yoruba Parapo to fi mo awon egbe keekeekee
miran nile Yoruba ati awon abenugan gbogbo lo n so pe ibi ti awon guusu duro si lori oro owo-amusowo yii ni awon wa.
Bi a ba ro oro naa, a o ri pe ohun ti awon guusu n beere fun yii, ki i se ti ara won nikan. Won ko so pe
ki iye ti awon n beere wa lori epo nikan, sugbon lori ohunkohun ti n ti agbegbe kookan jade ti orile-ede wa si n ri owo lori
re. Niwon igba to je pe ko si adugbo kan ti Oba-Onikee ko se nnkan fun, o je pe ko si bi adugbo kan ko se ni i je anfani yii
- afi eyi to ba n se ole.
Lara amumenu awon guusu ni pe owo ti n jade lati ibi omi-oju awon ni ijoba olorijori to ti n waye
ni Naijiria ti fi n toju ile Hausa (Aarewa) nigba ti iya si n je awon.
Afojuri omo Naijiria lowo olopaa de gongo
Ibi ti awon agbofinro, paapaajulo awon olopaa, yoo ba awon omo Naijiria de, Olohun lo ye o. Eyi da lori ona
ti won fi n fi iya je eni ti won ba gbamu yala lori eto tabi lona aito.
Fifi agbara gba ni loju yii de gongo ni ilu Abuja laipe yii (Ojo kokandinlogbon osu Okudu, June) nigba ti
awon olopaa ti a wi yii fi iya ainiye je Oga Olopaa ana, Ogbeni Tafa Adebayo Balogun.
Irohin to te Afonrere lowo fi han pe gbangba waalia ni awon olopaa mejo to woso ati awon meji ti ko
woso olopaa ti fe fi tipatikuuku mu Balogun lehin igbejo ojo naa. Ai tete fi ara bale di ero ahamo ni o mu ki awon olopaa
naa ko lilu bo Balogun. Won luu titi o fi daku niwaju opo eniyan. Sugbon awon eniyan yii ko ri nnkankan se nitori pe awon
olopaa naa gbe ibon lowo gege bi a ti wi tele.
Irohin tun fi kun pe nigba ti won lu oga olopaa naa wo inu oko, o jabo nibi ti o ti n ja raburabu, ati pe
moto te e lese. A ko ti i mo bi ese naa ko ro.
Awon onwoye so pe eyi fi han gbangba iru itu ti awon olopaa n fi omo Naijiria pa lojoojumo.
Se igbejo n lo lowo lori bi awon olopaa se ro ibon lu awon onisowo mefa kan ni agbegbe Apo, Abuja lori esun
pe adigunjale ni won. Sugbon awon alajogbe awon alaisi naa ati eri ti n jade bayii fi n han pe iro ni awon olopaa pa; awon
eniyan naa ki i se ole.
Nigba ti eni to dari awon olopaa naa lo se ise ibi yii ri pe agbe ti n si mo awon lori, o ti na papa bora.
Looto ni ajo ti n sejo lori iwa ibaje (EFCC) ti Ogbeni Nuhu Ribadu n dari gbe Balogun lo si ile-ejo latari
obitibiti owo ti won ni o ji ko. Sugbon ile ejo ti da sile (gba beeli re) pe ki o maa wa je ejo lati ile. Ile-ejo yii lo wa
ti awon osise ajo ti a wi yii tun fi fe e mu pelu tipatikuuku.
Gbogbo eniyan ni n ko haaa. Ki i se pe won ni Balogun ki i se odaran - ileejo ni yoo fi idi eyi mule. Idi
'haa' awon eniyan ni pe bi won ba le fi iya je oga olopaa tele bayii, iru itu wo ni won ko lee fi eniyan lasan pa. O tun je
kayeefi pe won le se iru nnkan bayii lai naani pe gbogbo araye n wo awon.
N je iru iwa bayii ko ni i maa fun awon to n so pe eranko ni awa alawodudu ni oro so bayii? O ye ki a ye
ara wa wo.
E so imo Yoruba di dandan ni ile iwe
Ipe pataki kan ti lo si awon ti oro kan lati so kiko ede ati asa Yoruba di dandan kaakiri ile-iwe to wa ni
ile Yoruba.
Ipe yii wa lara aba mesan-an ti egbe kan ti n je Yoruba Parapo gbe jade lehin ipade olodoodun re to waye
ni ilu Ibadan laipe yii.
Gege bi o ti wi, kiko omo lede abinibi yoo je ki oye ye omo; ki i se nipa ede yii nikan sugbon nipa asa awon
eniyan re ati nipa bi a se n gbe ile-aye. Egbe naa so pe o se pataki ki ede Yoruba naa di ohun ti a ngbe gege bi won se n
gbe ede Geesi laruge bayii.
Ohun miran ti egbe naa fi enu ba ni ai se deede gbogbo to gbogo lorile ede Naijiria bayii. Egbe Yoruba Parapo
ke si ijoba Obasanjo, ti ipinle ati ti ijoba ibile gbogbo lati ji giri nipa bi won se n se akoso agbegbe won. Egbe naa woye
pe ilu le pupo bayii ni ona ti a fere ma i ti ri iru re ri. "O ye ki ijoba wa nnkan se si oro yii ni kiakia".
Aba naa tun soro lori ojo iwaju iran Yoruba. O pe ipe fun eto ijoba eyi to fi aye sile fun agbegbe kookan
lati le maa dari oro ara re ni iyato si eyi to je pe Abuja ni gbogbo ase ti n wa bayii.
Egbe yii woye pe a gbodo ji giri lati ri pe eto ikaniyan ti n bo yii ko di ohun ti won yoo fi tu wa je.
O ke si Aare Obasanjo lati gba pe iwe ofin Konstusan Naijiria ti odun 1999 ko pe. Latari eyi ko je ki a se
apero to feserinle nibi ti a o so oro nipa ibagbepo wa ati bi iwe ofin titun yoo se je atona rere.
Yoruba Parapo da aba ojo ketalelogun osu kesan-an gege bi ojo ti o ye ki a ya soto nile Yoruba lati maa se
ajodun irepo. Iredi ojo yii ni lati ko ara wa jo. Bi o tile je pe ilu orisirisi lo wa nile Yoruba, "a ti wa po, a si jo n
se asepo fun ojo pipe debi pe a ti okan-naa. Ise wa, asa wa, ede wa; bakan naa ni".
Nipa ojo ti a wi yii, Aare egbe naa, Ojise-Olorun Bolanle Gbonigi so pe a ko le so pato ojo ti ile Yoruba
bere. Sugbon a o se iranti pe ojo ketalelogun osun kesan-an odun 1886 ni ogun Kiriji to gba ile Yoruba kan fun odun merindinlogun
pari. Ojo ti a wi yii ni awon ologun naa fi owo si iwe pe 'ija pari'. Ija naa si pari lati igba naa. Gbonigi so pe ogun ti
a wi yii fe tu ilu, Oluwa lo se mo.
Lati gbogbo ipinle ti Yoruba wa ni awon eniyan ti wa sibi ipade naa. Awon Yoruba to wa ni ipinle Kwara, Kogi,
Delta ati Edo papaa ran asoju wa.
E se ayewo eje nitori aisan roogun-roogun
Awon ti n se owo omo ati awon odokunrin-odobinrin ni won ti ki nilo lati se iwadii ipin-eje won lati le dena
arun roogun-roogun.
Awon onisegun oyinbo to pe ipe yii so pe arun yii n le kun ni orile Naijiria latari bi awon eniyan ko se
naani ohun to se pataki lati se ki o to di pe won yoo se owo omo pelu ara won.
Ile-Eko Isegun to wa ni Yunifasiti Ilorin ni awon onisegun oyinbo yii (Association of Resident Doctors) ti
se apero won laipe yii.
Iwadii ipin-eje ti a wi yii ni won fi n mo boya idapo okunrin ati obinrin ti won fe ni asepo yii le mu ipin-eje
ti won mo si es-es, SS (Sickle Cell), wa ninu omo to ba ti inu idapo naa waye. Bi eyi ba ri bee, omo ti a wi yii ti
gbe arun roogun-roogun wa lati orun niyen. Arun ti a wi yi, agbaana ni. Ko si see wo ni awosan.
Ipin-eje okunrin ati ti obinrin lo n fi iru omo ti yoo ni iru arun yii han. Ona merin pataki ni ipin-eje
le pin si. O le je AA tabi AS tabi SC tabi SS. Bi okan ninu awon to fe se owo omo ba je AA ti enikeji je eyikeyi ninu ipin
meta to ku, ko sewu. Sugbon bi okan ninu won ba je AS ewu wa bi eni naa ba fe eni ti o je SC tabi SS. Oribande ni ki omo ti
SC ati AS ba bi mase je alaisan roogun-roogun eyi a tun n da pe ni arun-eje.
Iyemeji ko tile si, gege bi awon oni isegun oyinbo ti wi, pe bi SS ati SS ba loyun funrawon, roogun-roogun
alaisan ni won yoo bi.
Won ni iwadii fi han pe aisan yii ni ikarun-un ninu awon aisan gbemi-gbemi ti n ba awon eniyan finra ni ile
wa. O wa se'ni laanu pe ariwo aisan Eedi (HIV/AIDS) ko je ki ijoba ati awon ara ilu ko ibi ara si aisan roogun-roogun yii.
Won ni didena aisan yii rorun bi a ba fi okan wa si.
Ona ati dena re ni ki a mo iru ipin-eje ti olukaluku je ki a to ba ara wa se ere ife eyi ti yoo di omo.
E ye gbo'wo loju popo
Olopaa da ase Obasanjo koja
Bi o tile je pe ijoba apapo ile Naijiria ti ke si awon olopaa lati siw o mimaa da moto duro gba okoo naira
lowo awon onimoto, sibe oju titi tun kun fun awon alaso dudu wonyi.
Bi o tile je pe o pe ti awon omo Naijiria ti n pariwo pe awon agbofinro yii n fitina awon loju popo, ijoba
ko ko ibi ara si oro naa titi ipari osu to koja. Ohun to mu ijoba ji giri ni irinajo ti Aare orile-ede yii, Ogagun Olusegun
Obasanjo se lo si Netherlands. Bi awon oludokowo yoo se wa da ise sile ni Naijiria wa lara ohun to ba lo.
Nibi ti o ti n ba awon omo orile-ede ti a wi yii soro ni awon won-onni laa mole fun pe o le soro fun awon
lati wa da oko-owo sile ni Naijiria. Idi ni pe awon olopaa to n gbe'gi dana loju popo ko se bee lati fi da aabo bo awon eniyan.
Kaka bee n se ni won n lo aso orun won ati ibon ti won n gbe lowo lati fi dun ikooko mo awon eniyan gba owo lowo won. Awon
eniyan ti a wi yii so pe ona aito gbaa ni awon olopaa fi n lo owo gba mo awon to n koja lowo. Won ni bi won ba tile ri pe
ajoji ni onitohun, oran de. "N se ni won a fun onitohun danin-danin.".
Oro yii jo Aare Obasanjo lara. Logan lo pase fun Oga-Agba awon olopaa, Ogbeni Sunday Ehindero lati tu gbogbo
iko olopaa to wa loju ona jakejado ile Naijiria ka ni eye-o-soka.
Ose bii meta lehin ase yii, igbokegbodo wa se afihan pe awon olopaa ko ti i mu ase naa se.
5 yr jail for Gov who tampers with LG funds
It is now a criminal offence for any governor or his representative to tamper with funds allocated to local
government from the Federation Account.
Any governor found to tamper with local government fund risk five years’ jail term and a fine twice
the amount of money he/she deducted - or otherwise tampered with - in the local government joint account.
According to the new law signed by President Olusegun Obasanjo after its passage by the National Assembly,
all monies due to local government councils must be paid into the State and Local Government Joint Account into which the
state government is expected to contribute 10 per cent of its revenue.
Such money is to be shared by the local government councils in the given state.
Presently, many state governors collect local government allocations and deduct between 50 and 70 per cent
of such monies and distribute the remaining paltry sum between the councils. This, naturally, meant that far less of what
these local government councils are entitled to actually get to them. Yet the papers would reflect that they were given the
full money. Consequently, capital and development programmes that are supposed to be carried out in these councils could not
be so carried out for lack of fund.
And the military-like command style of many governors make it difficult for local government chairmen to
raise a finger against the heinous practice. Any of them who does so, as situation in Ekiti State among others, has shown,
does so at the risk of losing his position as chairman.
This, the governors do, without respecting the fact that these chairmen got direct mandate from the people
just as they the governors did.
It was on the realisation of this obnoxious practice by governors that made the federal govenment to enact
the new law with a view to putting a check to it - thus freeing the councils from the stranglehold of state governors.
Titled Monitoring of Revenue Allocation to Local Governments Act 2005 the new law states that
it is now "...unlawful for any organ, authority or official of a state or the federal capital territory, however so described
or constituted, to alter, deduct or re-allocate funds standing to the credit of the state joint local government account,
or the federal capital territory joint area councils account".
The penalty for flouting this law is very stringent indeed.
Section 7 (3) prescribes that "Anyone who acts in contravention..... is liable on conviction to a fine twice
the amount altered, deducted or re-allocated illegally, or imprisonment for a term of five years, or to both such fine and
The Act prescribes for the composition of a monitoring committee that would see how the funds are allocated
between the local government councils in the given state.
Such committee is to be made up of professionals from all the three tiers of government i.e. federal, state
and local governments, a revenue mobilisation commissioner from outside the state concerned, federal accountant general, state
revenue board with the state’s local government commissioner as well as all the local government council chairmen of
the state in question.
The law envisages that with the involvement of people who are not directly under the control of the governor
or his agents, neutrality is guarrantteed in the disbursement of the fund allocated to local government councils every month.
It needs be remembered that in the first term of President Olusegun Obasanjo, he lambasted local government
councils for what he called non-performance and corruption against the background of the huge amount of money they receive
from the federation account every month. It was later discovered that it is not all the monies written against a particular
local government council that get to it since the state governor always took a good chunk of such under various pretexts such
as education, security, stabilisation, ecology etc. Headings that were not provided for in the fiscal policy guiding such
disbursements. But as indicated earlier, the local government chairmen, especially under the present dispensation could not
openly voice out their bitter experiences. For, they feel, particularly after the 2004 LG election, that they owe their position
to the governor rather than the people.
Speakers of States’ Houses of Assembly are protesting the Act, particularly the aspects that tend to
give the federal authority a say in how local government affairs are ran.
The 1999 Constitution they contend, vests such powers in them.
Security matters to us
"The present administration under the leadership of Hon JS Amodu is committed to security of life and property
of citizens in Irepo and environs."
This was th submission of Honourable Bioku Fehintola, vice chairman of Irepo Local Government of Oyo State
while welcoming the new Area Commander of the Police, Assistant Commissioner Stephen A. Ekpei to Kisi on behalf of the council’s
chairman, Hon. Jimoh Sijuwade Amodu.
Fehintola added that the commitment of the administration is reflected
in, among others, the constant onslaught on men of the underworld who tried to terrorise people on roads
leading to and from Kisi, headquarters of Irepo LG.
Some of these roads are Kisi - Igbeti, Kisi- Kaiama and Kisi - Igboho. The vice chairman claimed that since
his government increased surveillance on these roads, menace of the undesirable elements has gone down considerably.
He intimated the police officer that robbers are always waylaying traders who come from states such Ogun,
Ekiti, Osun, Ondo, Kwara, Lagos as well as from other parts of Oyo State to patronize the thriving agricultural markets in
Oke Ogun area. He then solicited the assistance of the police to rout the evil-doers completely out of the area.
In this wise, he suggested that additional police posts be built at Adagbangba, Ajetowa and Sooro and went
on to plead the readiness of the council to assist "as we have been doing for all security agencies here" whenever it is called
to do so.
Responding, the head cop, ASP Stephen Ekpei stated that he was on familiarisation tour of police formations
under his command "so as to know what the situation is". He promised that suggestions of the council boss would be considered
and appropriate actions taken accordingly.
The police boss visited other neighbouring divisional police formations under his Ogbomoso Area Police Command.
He was escorted on the tour by a number of divisional and area police officers including Kisi DPO, Mr Stephen Alada, the DCO,
Mr Gabriel Marja among others. On hand to receive the team along with the vice chaiman were Mr Diran Olagbenro, the council’s
head of Planning Research and Statisics as well as assistant information officer, Mr Philip Adewale Adejumobi among others.
Oke-ogun Progressive Association (U.S.A.), Inc.
The following is the list of successful candidates from the recently concluded Tolani Ogundiran Scholarship exercise:
Candidates’ Names LG Area Course
1. Adediran sakirat A. (Miss) Iseyin English (OAU)
2. Adekunle Temitope Oorelope Physiology (LAUTECH)
3. Adepoju O. Odunayo (Miss) Ibarapa Central Medicine Medicine (LAUTECH)
4. Simeon A. Adesope Iwajowa English (UNILORIN)
5. Admed Ridwan Oladotun Kajola Medicine (UNILAG)
6. Alaba Joshua Olusegun Kajola Chemistry (UNIBADAN)
7. Babalola Stephen Idowu Ibarapa North Civil Engeering (LAUTECH)
8. Jinadu Dauda B. Irepo Law (UNIBADAN)
9. Lawal Akeem A. Saki West Applied Geology (FUTA)
10 Oderinde Ogundiran O. Atisbo English (UNIBADAN)
11 Okesiji Adeola Oketade Olorunsogo Law (LASU)
12 Olaoseegba Nurudeen A. Ibarapa East Civil Engineering (OAU)
13 Sanni Malik Adebukola Saki East Civil Engineering (OAU)
14 Yemi Sikiru Tijani Itesiwaju MicroBiology (UNAAB)
Formal presentation and award ceremony shall take place on Thursday July 14, 2005 at the Premier Hotel Banquet Hall, Ibadan.
{Programme starts at 12.00 prompt.
Please, bring dwith you to the award ceremony, original letter of award and bills/invoice for the academic year 2005/2006
from your university. Similarly, you must bring proof of identification (I.D. Card with picture) and your correspondence address
for the next four (4) years.
Candidates must arrive at the venue not later than 11.00 am for documentation.
Identifying Leadership and its responsibility in Islam
Muslim young men and women need to improve not only their personal skills but also their group performances.
The present lecture gives easy-to-follow tips for those who want to acquire those skills. I like to advise, from the onset,
that you introduce what can be called ‘Leadership Training’ programme for people of all ages - in earnest.
Leadership refers to the proces of moving people in a planned direction by motivating them to action through
non-compulsive means.
Good leadership moves people in a direcstion that is in their long-term best interest.
Leadership is both a role and a process of influencing others. The leader is a member of a group given a
certain rank and is expected to perform in a manner consistent with that rank.
The word, Islam, means submission to the will of God and obedience to His laws.Only through these can one
achieve true peace and enjoy lasting purity.
Contrary to misconceptions, Islam or submission to the will of God together with obedience to His laws does
not mean in any way loss of individual freedom. For, Islam teaches freedom, cherishes and guaratees it for everybody.
As a Muslim, you should look for the position of leadership with an open mind and not as a matter of life
and death. On getting there, you should see yourself as a God appointee and therefore be accountable to Him first of all.
Thus, a leader should be in business of serving and helping others to move ahead.
Adherence to the Sharia and Islamic manners. The leader is not above observing Islamic injunctions. Indeed,
he can only continue in office, ideally, for as long as he adheres to what the Sharia enjoins us to do. In the conduct of
his affairs, a leader must adhere to Islamic manners particularly in dealing with the opposition or so-called dissidents.
a. Consultation - The Quoran has made it clear that Muslim leaders are obligated to consult those who have
knowledge or those who can provide sound advice; for they also check the conduct of the leader in case he deviates from collective
goals of the group.
‘...And who conducts their affairs by consultation’ Quran 42:38.
b. Justice - He should deal with people justly and fairly regardless of their race, colour, party or religion.
‘And when you judge between men that you judge with justice’ Quran 4:58.
‘And let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just,
that is next to piety’ Quran 5:8.
c. Freedom of thought - The leader shold provide for and even invite constructive criticisms. Members of
the group should be able to voice out their views or objections - and have their questions answered.
‘...And we raise some of them above others in ranks so that some may comand work from other...’
Quran 43:32.
d. All actions of a Muslim leader must be inspired and guided by the Quran and Hadith within the context
of the secular state that is Nigeria or the organisation.
e. Leaders should also know that they will be undoubtedly held accountable in the hereafter for their deeds
no matter how insignificant they might seem to be.
1. Since anybody that is appointed or elected to be a leader should be seen as God ordained, he should be
followed loyaly as long as he does not deviate from God’s way.
‘O ye who believe, oby God, obey the Apostle and those charged with authority among you..’ Quran
2. Therefore, followers must ensure that rulers are elected or selected on thier own merits, virtues, fitness
and competence. The prophet said: ‘whoever entrusts a man to a public office where in his society/organisation, there
is a better man than this trusteee; he or she has betrayed the trust of God, His messenger and the Muslims as well’.
Since the community of Muslim is based on the Islamic ideology, the more a Muslim fears Allah and avoid evils
and performs good actions, the greater respect he or she commands in a Muslim society.
Men and women differ in their capacity to organize others so as sto lead them to a specific goal. It is in
this wise that Prophet Muhammed (SAW) used to pray to Allah that men like Umar should join the Muslims since Umar possessed
certain qualities.
In every group of human beings, if we found persons with certin qualities, we must identify these gifted
persons and prepare them for leadership challenges. If they were practising Muslims, we must provide them an opportunity to
serve the community. They should be elected or selected to suitable positions where their special qualities will become good
If a person with exceptional attributes decline to be in a position of authority and responsibility, it is
our duty to promote the qualities of leadership he possessed for the benefit of the community at large.
If a person with leadership qualities is identified among non-practising Muslims, we should try in a systematic
way to interact with him or her and engage him/her in a positive dialogue.
If we found these uncommon qualities in some non-Muslims, we should use all legitimate means to explain Islam
to them. The prophet of Islam categorically asserts that:
People are like mines (by nature). thus, the best of them in Jahiliyah wil be the best of them in Islam,
once they attain a proper understnading of Islam. (Sahih al-Bukhari & Muslim).
A leader is expected to be:
1. morally sound
2. imanginative
3. management minded
4. fair to all concerned
5. emotionally stable
6. respectful towards self and others
7. dependable
8. logical
9. responsible
10. expressive (both in speech and in writing)
11. humane.
He should have the knowledge of:
12 aims, principles and objctives of the organisation
13. organisation, policies, practices and procedures
He should have skills in areas of:
14 creative thinking
15 planning, organising, executing and following-up
16 selecting and placing people
17 keeping people informed
18 controlling quality
19 enforcing rules and regulations
How to know a winner from a loser
1. Makes commitments makes promises
2. Goes through a problem goes around a problem and never gets to it
3. Knows what to fight on Comprised on what he shouldn’t and fight on
and what to compromise on what is not worth fighting about
4. When he miakes amistake, When we makes a mistake, says "It wasn’t my fault"
says "I was wrong"
5. Shows he is sorry by making Says, "I am sorry" but does the samething the next time
it up
6. Says "let’s find out" Says "Nobody knows".
After you might have chosen your leadership, it is important to keep a tab on it with a view to ensuring
that it does not deviate from what is expected of it. Where this appears to occur, questions should be asked with necessary
emendation effected. This is because in the final analysis, both the ruler and the follower will have to give accounts before
God of how they treated one another in terms of maintaining justice and fairness. You should know that you are entitled to
freedom of thought and expression. However, this freedom is not absolute, but relative.
Islam is not only a religionbut also a way of life for Muslims. Therefore, even though Nigeria is not an
Islamic state, Muslim leaders and followings have a fundamental obligation to play their role and live their life in accordance
with the laws of God as contained in the Quran and Hadith as well as explained by Mallams. These laws laws involved being
just, fair, good, peaceful, and to be pure and honest in our thoughts and actions. Through this, the present miseries and
general malaise bedevilling Nigeria socially, politically and economically would, by the grace of God, become a thing of the
May Allah reward all of you who ahve assimilated, promoted and develooped the concept of Islam as far as
leadership is concerned. It is hoped that the present exercise would further go a long way in understanding Islam., amen.
I wish all of us,God’s guidance and protection. Wasalam Alaikun Waramotullah Wabarakatuhu.
Being Text of the lecture given by Honourable Ahmed M. Ajayi at an Al Husrah (Family Programme) organised
by the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) Igbeti Branch, on Friday June 3, 2005.
Onigbeti kilo nipa sisi ipo lo
Oba Alayeluwa kan ti fa gbogbo awon to wa ni ipo alase lati mase si ipo ti won wa lo rara.
Onigbeti ti ilu Igbeti, Oba Oyebisi Oyekan, Afasegbejo Keji lo se ikilo yii nigba ti o jawe oye le Ogbeni
Olawale Olayanju gege bi Elerugba ilu naa lose to koja lohun-un.
Gege bio ti wi, ipokipo to wu ki a wa, fun igbega awon ara-ilu lo ye ki a lo ipo naa fun.
Latari eyi lo se ro Oloye Elerugba titun naa ati awon to wa ni ipo ase yala ti ibile ni tabi ti oloselu lati
fi eso so nitori pe
"Oluwa lo n gbe eniyan de ipo. Gbogbo ohun ti a ba si se ni Oba Alawura yoo beere lowo wa, bi ojo ba pe."
O sdo siwaju pe ohun to se koko nipa ipo lilo ni lati fi se eto ati imunu-eni dun fun opolopo eniyan to wa
ni ayika wa.
Onigbeti naa fi da awon ara ilu loju pe oun ko ni segbe rara ninu isakoso ilu naa, o si ro awon to wa nipo
kaakiri lati ja iru ewe yii fi se oro.
Nigba ti o n soro, Elerugba titun naa, Oloye Amos Olawale Olayanju dupe pupo lowo Eledumare ati Onigbeti
fun eru oye pataki ti oun je yii.
Olayanju mu idaniloju wa pe oun ko ni fi igba kan bo okan ninu gege bi oloye ilu beeni oun yoo si ba Kabiyesi
fowo sowo po lati ri pe ilu Igbeti n goke agba.
O ni eru agba ni, oun si lero pe gbogbo awon to je ki iwuye naa see se ko ni ye maa ti oun lehin. Se agbajo-owo
la fi n soya.
O dupe lowo awon ebi, ara ilu ati Oloye Oladeebo fun ilakaka won. Bee lo dupe awon to wa ba oun se eye lati
ibaba ati lati ikoko.
Awon oloye ilu gbogbo lo wa nibi ayeye naa.
Lara awon to tun wa nibe ni Honerebu Muyiwa Ojekunle, Ogbeni S.A. Oni, Alagba Busari Ogunsile ati Oloye Muraina
Odebode (Baba Isegun).
Awon miran ni Iyaafin Awaawu Oje Dananu, awon elewe-omo (Ewepeju), awon awako, (NURTW) ati beebee lo.
Owongogo ounje ni Naijiria
Baale, Mogaji ati iyawo je amala lo sorun
"Hee, iru kileyi? Olohun ma ma je ki a jeun daran o" .
Gbolohun wonyi lo gba enu awon eniyan ti o gbo isele idagiri to waye ni Alapa ni ijoba ibile Asa, Ipinle
Kwara ni oru-moju ojo Aje si ojo Isegun to koja.
Se awon ara abule naa ji pelu igbe ti n jade lati ile Daodu ilu naa Alhaji Shuaibu Akanji Oniso, eni ti o
gbe emi mi pelu okan lara awon iyawo re Belaawu Iya Elekuru.
Daodu yii lo je Baale abule ti a wi yi, eyi to wa ni oju ona Ilorin si Igbeti to je olu-ilu ijoba ibile Olorunsogo
ni ipinle Oyo.
Korikosun olori abule naa kan, Alhaji Akanji to ba ore re je ninu ounje ti iyawo re se paapaa ba isele naa
Gege bi awon ti oro se oju won se wi, amala ni Iya Elekuru ro ni ale ojo Aje to si seto re fun oko re ati
alejo re.
Obe ewedu ati eran ni won fi je ounje ajesun naa.
Loru ni inu bere si i ko won, nigba ti ile yoo si fi mo, elemii ti gba a. Iku awon eni meta yii lo je ki
o di ogbon eniyan to ti je Olohun nipe latari ounje jije ni ipinle Kwara ninu odun yii nikan.
Awon kan ni adugbo Tegbesun,Ogidi ni ilu Ilorin ti i se olu-ilu ipinle Kwara yii lo side isele buruku yii
ni inu osu kinni odun yii.
Eko ni won mu tan pelu moinmoin ni oko laaro ojo ti a wi yii, ni inu ba bere si i lo won. Bi eniyan bii marun-un
lo ku nibi isele yii. Ile iwosan ti won tete ko awon eniyan naa lo lo je ki emi to sofo nibe mo niba.
Ni inu osu kerin odun yii ni obinrin kan pelu awon omo re bii meta naa tun padanu emi won lehin ti won je
amala tan.
Ijoba ti gbe eni to ta elubo ti won fi ro amala naa, bi o tile je pe onitohun n bura pe oun ko fi nnkankan
sinu elubo naa.
O tun to bi ona meloo kan ti iru isele yii ti waye. Se ohun to dun lo ye lati maa ka, eyi ti a ka yen ti
Oro naa n se olukaluku ni kayeefi debi pe ajo ti n mojuto sise deede oogun ati ohun jije-mimu (Nigerian Drug
Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA) ati ijoba ipinle Kwara ti gbe igbimo kan dide lati se iwadii ohun to n fa isele buruku yii.
Awon onwoye so pe ati ara ilu ni o, ati igbimo ti ijoba gbe dide ni o, o se pataki lati fura si ona ti a
fi n pese awon nnkan ti enu n je bayii.
Ohun kan to foju han ni pe owongogo nnkan ni Naijiria lode oni ti mu ki iyato de ba ona ti awon baba wa fi
n se itoju ounje ki o to di jije - gege bi a se ba laye.
Fun apere, o loju iru awon ege ti eniyan le je. Ki i se gbogbo gbaaguda ni a gbodo fi bo enu.
Koda, eyi ti o see je pelu gbodo ri itoju to peye ki o to di pe yoo se e je, bi eniyan ko ba fe fun ara re
- ati awon elomii - ni iwo je!
Gbogbo wa la kuku mo pe omi ege ni oro ninu pupo - yala eyi ti a n je ni o, tabi ‘ko gbodo kan’nu’.
O kan je pe oro inu gbaaguda kogbodo kan’nu po ju ti inu ‘isu nikan-kiyan’ lo ni.
Oro inu ege yii lo maa n je ki awon mama wa - ati awon baba wa - o bo ege daadaa, ki won sa ko gbe lati ri
pe opo ninu oro yii lo ti sanjade ko to di pe won a gba pe o se e fi i se elubo.
Yato si eyi, won a tun kuu lehin ti won ba loo tabi gun tan, won a si fi omi to ho daadaa ro, ki o to di
Eni to ba n gba oju titi koja lati ilu kan de omiran ni ipinle Kwara ati Oyo yoo ri bi awon eniyan se n sa
elubo won si egbe titi.
Ewure a to si, awon ti n lo le ha kelebe si bi ito ko ba de’be.
Bakan naa, iru elubo naa ko lee gbe gege bi eyi ti a sa si ori apata.
Awon ijoba ibile ti oro awon eniyan won je logun a pese aye isalubo pelu simenti fun awon eniyan won lati
le dekun sisa elubo si eba ona. Sugbon meloo iru re la ri?
Ona bi i meeerin pataki ni iyato ti fi ba ona ti won fi n se eto ege nisisiyi bi a ba fi oju bi won se n
se e tele wo o.
Ekinni, awon ege kan ti awon baba wa ka kun eewo ni awon elemii ti n je bayii latari owongogo ohun ti a n
mu bo’nu. Se won ni bi ohun ti a nje ba tan, ki ohun ti a ki i je ma se afara.
Eekeji, opo ko ni suuru lati gbe gbogbo igbese to ye ni gbigbe nibi itoju ege ki o to di pe o di jije. Iredi
a i le gbe gbogbo igbese wonyi ko si se lori a i si ohun miran ti enu yoo je fun asiko ti a o maa duro lati fi se ohun gbogbo
to ye. Se ege ko dabi isu, ti a kan ki bo ina ti a o si maa je lo.
Ohun ti a le pe ni idi keta ni pe ai ri ounje gidi je pelu opo idaamu ti mu ki ajesara ti ki i je ki eniyan
tete gbe aisan kere ninu ago ara. Nipa bayii, akolu kekere to ye ki nnkan ti awon oloyinbo n pe ni imuniti (immunity)
tabi adena-aisan o ta danu bi igba ti eyin-die ta omi danu ni apa iwonba adena-arun yii ko le e ka mo.
Ohun kerin to n je ki iku ‘ona-ofun’ o maa wopo bayii ni ai si eto iwosan to peye to lorile-ede
Bi eniyan ba je iwo, ki i se oju-ese ni i pa’ni. Paapaa julo, iwo ti o je mo ti ounje.
Bi iru eni bee ba tete ri iwosan, ti won po ounje naa kuro ninu re, akuko orun yoo fo onitohun ru.
Sugbon kini n sele ni ilu wa bayii? Ona ile-iwosan jinna si awon eniyan. Ni ibomiran ti ile iwosan wa, awon
ti o mose le ma si ni enu ise lasiko ti alaisan niloo won. Bi awon yii ba wa lenu ise, won le ma ri irinse ati ina ijoba sise
bo ti to ati bo ti ye. Bi won ba ri eleyii, ti won se awari ohun to fa ailera alaisan, oogun nko? Opolopo igba lo ti je pe
a i ri oogun lasiko lo se iku pa awon emi ti won ko ba si wa laaye bayii. Ki Oluwa ma je ki a fi ojo olojo lo, ase.
SPEB yoo seranwo fun agbegbe ti n fe ile-iwe
Ajo ti n mojuto ile-iwe alakobere ni Ipinle Oyo, SPEB ti setan lati se atilehin fun adugbo-kadugbo to ba
da ile-iwe alakobere sile.
Alaga ajo naa, Ojogbon Taoheed Adedoja lo fi idi oro yii mule nigba ti o n ba onirohin soro ni ile Akede,
Ibadan lose to koja.
Gege bi o ti wi, bi awon eniyan naa ba ti ko iwe si ajo oun, awon yoo yan olubewo lo sibe. Bi olubewo yii
ba ti so pe ko sewu, eto dida ile-iwe sile naa bere niyen.
Sugbon o fi kun oro re pe igbese naa yoo ya, bi awon adugbo to n fe ile-iwe ti a wi yii ba pese ile lori
eyi ti ajo naa yoo ko ile si. ‘Bi won ba se iranwo nibi ile paapaa, ko buru’ ni ohun ti o tun fi gbe oro re lese.
Adedoja ko sai se alaye pe awon oluko ti ajo oun sese fun nise ko gbodo ni isoro ibugbe. Idi eyi ni pe idaji
awon ti ajo naa gba ni ijoba ibile kan je omo-bibi agbegbe ibi ti won gba won si.
O so yanya pe awon alaga ijoba ibile ti fi da oun loju pe awon yoo se iranwo lati ri pe awon oluko ti won
ba gbe wa si adugbo awon ko ni isoro ibugbe.
Highlights of April Edition:
Owongogo ounje se iku pa Baale ati idile
security matters to us
Onigbeti kilo nipa sisi ipo lo
Saki East hosts youths at a soccer tourney
Table of how countries are rated on Corruption Table
Allocation to States and Local Govts in Nigeria
Public officers urged to buckle up
Policeman sweats in a vehicle boot; for teargassing passengers and slapping driver
Awon Asoju Yoruba n beere oloopa
fun ijoba Ipinle Content of the present edition (March 2005)
Among the stories in this edition are;
Nigeria to earn $10b from cassava - local farmers to benefit
The fate of Oke ogun people are in thier own hands
For teargassing passengers, slapping driver
Despite the strenous efforts of the Acting Inspector of Police, Mr Sunday Ehindero to humanise members of
the Police Force, some recalcirant ones among them are hell-bent in rubishing the slogan ‘Police is your friend’ .
This manifests poignantly at Iroko, a village near Akinyele, Oyo State where a policeman slapped a bus driver
and temporarily blinded the bus passengers with teargas. The incident occured around 10 am on Sunday March 24, this year.
Eye witness accounts indicated that the driver, on being stopped by the policeman for the customary N20 had
told the policeman that he had no ‘change’ (i.e. a N20 note). The policeman decided to teach him a lesson with
‘dirty slaps’ said Mr Sunday Adejo, an Iroko resident.
When the passengers tried to intercede on the driver’s behalf, the policeman detonated the teargas
cannister in his possession right inside the vehicle.
The brave ones among them including some villages rushed down from the vehicle and charged at the policeman.
He tried to cork his gun but he was overpowered. He also tried to run away without success. He was beaten bvlack and blue
and put in the boot of the vehicle like a bag of gari and driven firtst to Oyo motor park and then to Durbar Police Station,
We learnt that his colleagues ran away when they saw what was happening.
For days thereafter, Oyo-Ibadan road was free of police check-points now turned to ‘collection points’.
But by last week when Oloye News did a survellance in the area, the police were not only back, they mount road block at almost
every other kilometre - causing avoidable delays in the journey.
FG to sink boreholes
The federal government has approved the sinking of boreholes in every federal constituencies all over Nigeria.
Informed sources confirmed to Oloye News that the number to be sunk in each constituency range between
8 and 20 depending on the size and water need of the area concerned.
Boreholes are normally sunk in rural areas while water-borne pipes with taps are provided for sub-urban and
urban areas.
Irepo/Olorunsogo/Oorelope federal constituency in Oyo State is allocated 11 of such boreholes.
Honourable Goke Adeniran who represents this constituency in the House of representatives confirmed this
to Oloye News. The three local government councils that make up the constituency are to benefit from the provision.
GSM wireless phone in Oke ogun
Before or by June, 2005, most areas in Oke ogun area of Oyo State would enjoy the service of global system
of mobile telecommunications (GSM)and related wireless telecommunication facility .
Investigations by Oloye News revealed that the federal government has already signed the contract
with the Alcatel-Shanghai which is to execute the rural telephone project in designated local government councils across the
country. Three councils are chosen per state. The benefitting councils in Oyo State are Ibarapa, Irepo and Surulere (Iresaadu).
Confirming this, chairman of Irepo Local Govsernment, Alhaji J.S. Amodu stated that representatives of the
company had come to Kisi (the council’s headquarters) for surveys. Oloye News actually saw the sign-posts erected
by firm.
Apart from this, gsm companies are poised to start business in the area in earnest. VMobile, for instance,
is already erecting its mast at Igboho, headquarters of Oorelope LG. It is near Ajila’s compound on Owode road.
A source informed us that MTN would have beyond Iseyin where its service presently terminates but for some
logistic problems which have to do with where to erect its masts among others. "But this has been surmounted. And anytime
from now, we shall be all over Oke ogun" says an officer who does not want his name in print yet.
Globacom Communications (otherwise known as Glo) has also stepped up its effort at making its presence felt
in Oke ogun. It has visited places like Igbeti, Igboho, Saki among others for feasibility.
Spokespersons of the gsm companies indicated that apart from wanting to make their presences felt in as many
areas as possible, one important reasons for the spread is to explore and exploit the vast potential of Oke ogun.
Honourable Goke Adeniran representing Irepo/Olorunsogo/Oorelope constituency in the Federal House of Representatives
confirmed that the snag which caused delay in government’s rural telephoning programme had been cleared. "Which is why
the company - Alcatel-Shanghai - is now back at work."
Adeniran who is in Communications committee of the House announced that the companies concerned have assured
that latest by June, Oke ogun would begin to enjoy an uninterrupted telecommunication facilities.
Presently, Iseyin has MTN while Saki has M-Tel. But the latter is not functioning well.
Oorelope budgets N360m
Oorelope local government chairman, Senior Apostle Sunday Ade Adeola has pledged not only to continue the development projects already embarked upon but to
improve on them tremendously.
He made this pledge while presenting this year’s budget to the Council’s Legislative
Tagged ‘budget of consolidation’, it totals N357,296,620 - an increase
of six per cent or N22,549,620 over that of last year which was N334,746,910.
A breakdown of the 2005 budget is as follows:
(a) Internally Generated Revenue
(b) Fund from Statutory Alocation
(c) Value Added Tax (VAT)
(d) Allocation from the State Government N10,000,000.00
According to the chairman, agriculture, social and economic sectors will receive priority
attention in this fiscal year.
About five million naira goes to agriculture
and rural development, livestock/poultry N7.2 million; forestry & fisheries N1.6 million; manufacturing N140,000.00 while rural electrification will gulp N8million.
Construction and rehabilitation of roads, bridges etc will gulp N89,800,000 while commerce,
co-operatives and supply will gulp N8million in this fiscal year.
Economic sector
1 Agriculture and rural development N4,810,000.00
2 Livestock/poultry
3 Forestry
4 Fisheries
5 Manufacturing
6 Rural electrification
8 Commerce, finance, coop & supply N8,000,000.00
9 Transportation (roads and bridges) N89,500,000.00
Atisbo's budget is N490.
Atisbo Local Government of Oyo State has
budgetted the sum of 489,500.000.00 million naira for the fiscal year 2005.
Disclosing on Tueday April 20, 2005 was the chairman of the council, Honourable Kunle Banji
Nafiu while presenting the budget proposal to the council’s Legislative House.
According to the chairman, the figure is 32.3 per cent above that of 2004 which was N365,000,000.00.
A summarised breakdown of the budget estimate shows that recurrent expenditure is N220,275,000.00
while capital expenditure is N269,225,000.00.
Personnel cost N121,608,808.00
Overhead cost N41,373.000.00
Stabilisation N43,585,192.00
Debt servicing N12,239,500.00
The following sectors which come under Capital expenditure would recieve:
Works N146,850,000.00 representing 30 per cent
Agriculture N48,450,500.00 representing 10 per
Education N24,475,00.00 representing 5
per cent
P.H.C. N39,160,000.00
representing 8 per cent
General administration N9,790,000.00 representing 2 per cent.
He promised that when this budget has begun to be implemented, the people of the local government
would be experiencing a better lease of life.
He enjoined them to continue to support and co-operate with his administration so that the
dividend of democracy can be fully tasted in Atisbo.
Social Sector
1 Education
2 Health
3 Information services N7,550,000.00
4 Social development, & culture N7,800,000.00
5 Fire service
Area Developmsent Sector
1 Water and water supply N3,800,000.00
2 Environmental sewage and drainage N2,050,000.00
3 Town and community planninng N5,600,000.00
4 Community development N3,000,000.00
Recurrent expenditure would be N177,856,620.00 million. The actual breadkdown is as follows:
i Personnel cost
N103,838,367.00 representing 29.06 per cent
ii Overhead cost (other charges) N45,218,253.00 representing 11.26 per cent
iii Consolidated Fund (Stabilization) N23,800,000.00 representing 6.66 per cent
iv Internal debt servicing N5,000,000.00 representing 8.06 per cent all totalling N177,856,620.00
Oorelope staffers
in high spirit
A new lease of life is afield among the staff of Oorelope local government . This was due to a morale-boosting steps
taken by Alhaji Siju Lawal, the council's Director of Personnel Management (DPM)with the support of the chairman, Senior Apostle
Adeniji Adeola.
Besides the personal charisma and leadership by example which he brought to bear on assuming office
in the council, the dPM got the outstanding salaries of some workers which dated back to about two-three years to be paid
In the same vien, allowances are also being paid to all desserving stafers without any extraneous
The result has ben a tremendous impetus in the attitude to work by the workers.
Getting to that point was not so easy however. Oloye News
investigation revealed that on asumption of office as the council's DPM penultimate month, Lawal observed that morale
was not only low among workers, mutual suspicion and mistrust were also rife leading naturally to low productivity and not
so encouraging attitude to work. He took the bull by the horn by addressing these workers and inspired them.
Sensing some reliability in him, the workers began to co-operate.
Since one good turn deserves another, Siju Lawal too tabled the workers' concerns before the mangement.
After some usual buck-passing , including interventionistic visit to Ibadan, the matter was resolved in the workers' favour.It
was this, among others, that engendered new spirit in the workers. It was this confidence that enabled the DPM to douse what
would have become a near conflaglaration if the planned NULGE election had held, said our source.
Muda Babes
on top of them all
History was made at Sepeteri, Saki East
Local Government of Oyo State between Saturday April 2 and April 9, 2005 as youths all over the federation converged for this
year’s Under-14 Boys Soccer Tournament.
Saki East team even won the cup for the second year running by scoring three goals to their
opponent’s one at the final.
The tournament, named after the Minister of State for Agriculture, Otunba Bamidele Dada, was
organised by the Youths Sports Federation of Nigeria (YSFON).
It was the first time such a prestigious tournament is being held in a rural setting of that
nature particularly in Oke ogun.
Last year’s impressive feat of Saki East Football Team otherwise known as Muda Babes
in YSFON soccer competition won the council the right to host this year’s event.
It would be recalled that in far-away Calabar, Cross Rivers State, Muda Babes dazed everybody
by winning the coveted U.J. Esuene Cup after trouncing their counterparts from other parts of the country.
Speaking at the tournament in Sepeteri, Otunba Dele Dada in whose honour the tourney is named,
disclosed that the federal government under President Olusegun Obasanjo is determined to make Nigeria a better place for everybody.
He mentioned a number of programmes embarked upon by the government towards the realisation of this objective.
He enjoined the youths to always channel their energies towards productive ventures rather
than being wayward.
Chairman of Saki East who was the chief host said that he and his government were encouraged
by the performance of the young team hence the bid to host this year’s competition. He assured everyone that government
would always be willing to encourage every good effort.
He outlined a number of programmes his administration is into for the purpose of making life
better for the people.
Oyo state commissioner for Youths and Sports Development, Dr M.A. Adejumo too spoke about
the various steps being taken by the Oyo state governemnt towards the betterment of the youths and citizens of the state in
He enjoined the youths to refrain from any action that may jeoppardice their future.
Secretatry of YSFON, Mr Isa Idris expressed satisfaction that the effort of his organisation to encourage sports among youths is yielding fruits.
He expressed the gratitude of YSFON to both the minister, Oyo State government and Saki East
local government for making the tournament possible.
The opening match which was between the host Muda Babes and Kaduna State contingent ended
2-1 in favour of Muda Babes.
Muda Babes Team is to represent Nigeria at a youths soccer competition holding in Scotland
in May this year.
Igbeti n gbaradi fun eto ikaniyan
Latari ki eto ikaniyan ti n bo yii le baa
kesejari bo se to ati bo ti ye, Egbe Omo Igbeti Toro ti se agbekale igbimo pataki kan.
Igbimo eleni-mejo naa ni won fe ko fi owo sowopo pelu ajo ti
n kaniyan (National Population Commission) ati ijoba ibile Olorunsogo lati ri pe ohun gbogbo lo ni irorun.
Awon omo igbimo naa ni Oloye Jacob Gbadebo Adetoro, Honerebu
Samuel Feyisipe, Ogbeni J. Babayanju, Alhaji Jimoh Ibrahim ati Ogbeni O. Sanusi (Londoner)
Awon yooku ni Omo-oba O. Abiola (ti n soju Onigbeti ti
Igbeti) ati igbakeji alaga ijoba ibile Olorunsogo, Honerebu Sunday Balogun (ti n soju alaga ijoba ibile naa).
Ojo ho ile pupo ni Kisi
Bi eniyan je ori ahun, aanu yoo se’ni bi o ba de ilu Kisi
ti o ri ose ti ojo alategun to ro laipe yii se ni ilu naa.
O ti di oori eemeji bayii ti ojo yoo se ose laarin bi osu kan si’raa won ni Kisi ti i se olu-ilu
ijoba ibile Irepo.
Ojo to ro ni ojo Aje, ojo kejidinlogun osu kerin odun yii ho opolopo ile ati ile-iwe to fi kan Community
Grammar School ti o wa ni abawolu.
N se ni iji ojo Aje yii dabi enipe o wa se asepari ise ti iji to ja ni osu kan gele sehin.
A o se iranti pe ni nnkan bi agogo mesan-an ale ojo kejidinlogun osu keta odun yii kan-naa ni ojo nla
kan ro ti o ho ile ti o si ba dukia oniyebiye je ni Kisi yii naa.
Lara awon adugbo ti ose ti se ni Ajegunle, Koso, Atipa, Ajangba, Mapo, Owode, Ehinke ati bee bee lo.
Isele yii kun alaga ijoba ibile Irepo, Alhaji Jimoh Sijuade Amodu lemii tobee ti o fi n ke gbajare
pelu edun okan si ijoba ipinle Oyo ati ijoba apapo lati tete wa ran awon ti ajalu naa ba lowo.
Nigba ti o se abewo si awon agbegbe ti oro yii kan, o kaanu pe iru ose ati ajalu bayii sele.
Lehin ti o ro awon to fi ara kaasa nibi isele ibanuje naa lati fowo wonu, ki won si gba ohun ti Olohun
mu wa, o gba adura ki iru nnkan bee dopin.
Yato si eyi, o fi da won loju pe gbogbo igbese to ba ye ni joba oun yoo se lati ri pe iya ko je awon
eniyan naa lo titi.
O tun fi da won loju pe oun ti n kan si ijoba ipinle Oyo labe akoso Gomina Rashidi Ladoja ati ajo ti
n ri si oro ajalu labe ijoba apapo lati wa se iranlowo kiakia fun awon eniyan yii.
Okan lara awon ti ojo ho ile won, Iyaafin Rashidat Tijani so pe oun ko ti i ri iru iji lile bayi ri
lati bi aadota odun ti oun ti de ile aye. Pelu omije ati edun okan lo fi n rawo ebe si ijoba ibile, ti ipinle ati ijoba paapapo
lati wa tete se iranlowo fun gbogbo awon.
O tun ke si awon eleyinju aanu ni igboro kaakiri orile-ede yii lati mase wo awon niran.
Awon Tisa kan, Ogbeni R. A. Bonuola ati Alfa Adeyemo ke si ijoba lati tete se atunse si awon ile-iwe to fara kaasa
Awuyewuye lori iku abileko
Ko ti i si afenuko pato lori ohun to se okunfa iku to pa abileko kan ti oruko re
n je Risikatu ni Modeke, Igboho.
Awon kan n so pe iya ti arakunrin Ayiki Ayansola fi je e lo se iku pa a; nigba ti awon kan
so pe obinrin naa so pe obinrin naa se’yun tele ati pe oyun sise yii lo se iku paa.
Lowo bayii, awon ebi n sa ere gijogijo lati ri
pe Ayiki yo kuro ninu galagala awon olopaa. O ti wa ni atimole ni Iyaganku, Ibadan lati igba ti abilekoo naa ti ku.
Sugbon awon ebi obinrin so pe ohun to sele ti sele na, amuwa Olohun ni, awon ko se ejo. Eyi
lo fa a ti awon ebi arakunrin naa se ni igboya lati lo si odo olopaa lati lo gba iduro re.
Sugbon awon olopaa ko ti i yonda arakunrin na titi asiko ti a fi n ko irohin yii jo - bi o
tile je pe awon ebi naa ti na opolopo owo won si na ara pelu.
Oloye Gbode ri gbo pe ile kan ni obinrin yii
ati Ayiki n gbe. Oko obinrin naa a ma a se owo bi ba ni ra moto lati Kutonu. Enikan to ti ipa Ayiki wa be arakunrin naa ni
oko.Lehin bi osu meloo, oko ko jade ni awon onitoun ba so pe awon fe gba owo
Won fi danindanin mu Ayiki. Se ara ki i ni iwofa nigba miran gege bi onigbowo - abanikowo
lara n ni.
Nigba ti Ayiki gboroo pe arakunrin yii wo ilu o si wa ni Ayegbami, lo ba se okunfa bi awon
olowo se ri arakunrin naa. Aadota egberun naira jade ni asiko yii, o si da ojo bii meloo kan lati wa san eyi ti o ku.
Asiko yii tom, sugbon ko ri owo yii ko kale. Eyi fa ohun ti ko je ki o le maa ku fiiri wa
si ile bi i ti tele mo. A i lee wa si ile taara yii ni o ka Risi lara to fi n so oro si Ayiki pe oun lo je ki oko oun bu yepe
ile diwo.
A gbo pe kobakungbe oro yii po lojo kan eyi ti o mu ki Ayiki gba obinrin naa ni ipa.
Lehin-o-rehin, eje bere si i jade lara obinrin naa, eyi ti o so o di ero ile-iwosan. A gbo
pe Ayiki yii maa n lo bee wo, a si ra oogun lo fun. Lehin bi ose meji ti o ti de ile ile-iwosan, o da gbere f’aye.
Eyi lo je ki won mu Ayiki. a tile gbo pe won tun fi oro wa awon ti n ta oogun oyinbo bi i
meloo kan lenu wo lori pe boya awon lo ta oogun to seku pa arabinrin yii.
Awon obi Risi ti fi oro mo Olohun. Awon ebi Ayiki n sare kiri lati yo odokunrin naa logba awon olopaa. Ki Oluwa mase
je ki a jin si ofin, ase.
Causes of fall in education standard identified
An educationist, Mr Moses Olufemi Adelodun has identified poverty as one major reason for the fall
of education in Nigeria.
Adelodun stated this in a chat with Oloye News concerning the state of education in Nigeria.
According to the retired school principal, people are fond of blaming two groups for the fall in education
standard in Nigeria - teachers and the family. He said that while these two groups have their own blames, the greatest culprit
is the government.
"In Nigeria today, we are very poor. There are only two classes of people - the super rich and the very poor
with the latter being in the majority...The reason for the fall in education standard is in part due to the failure of the
government to provide teachers with necessary materials and the inability of parents to raise needed funds as at when due".
He asserted that the cost of living in Nigeria today is so high and the demands of everyday life so intense
that one has to put in so much to be able to stay afloat.
"So many families are so poor. And cost of education is not cheap. This is why many people have to struggle
most of the time. In the process, they hardly have time to pay required attention to the children nor have enough money to
employ trainers who would coach these children".
He said that teachers, being members of the same society, are not immuned from the general malaise "as they
too are suffering from the near unbearable cost of living. They too have responsibilities which their income is hardly enough
to cope with."
He reasoned that in such circumstance it is a bit difficult to have these teachers put in their best as they
have to think of other means of meeting their individual and family needs.
Adelodun who is also a pastor observed that the half-hearted attention by government and little time the
parents have couple with numerous things teachers in calsses have to attend to made it possible for children to be recalcirant
and somewhat as productive as they should if they had recieived appropriate guidance.
"As we all know, children normally have rebellious tendencies. They need close supervision and guidance.
Where this is lacking the result is always some kind of waywardness etc."
He submitted that adequate supervision and guidance could not be given by parents and teachers because of
the exigencies of the time in which they live.
Adelodun now running Oloole nursery/primary school in Igbeti enjoined the government to make life more comfortable
for Nigerians, give teachers more materials and power to run their schools ifthe lost standard of education is to be regained.
He has words of advice for parents as well.
"Tough as the situation is, parents should know that they owe these children a big responsibility. Responsibility
of bringing them up as upright, well-trained citizens." He urged them to reduce money and time they spend on ceremonies for
the sake of these children.
The children too should brace up. "They should realise that thier future will depend on what they make of
their life today".
Adelodun taught in various schools and was award wining sportsman. He retired last year as Principal, UMCA
Secondary Grammar School, Igbeti.
Oloole school, which he runs in Igbeti also plans to have a secondary arm.
Public officers urged to buckle up
Officers at various levels of government have been urged to make the development of their area thier top-most
Handing down this advice on Saturday, April 2, 2005 was Mr Bayo Ojetunde at a get-together organised by Egbe
Itesiwaju Omo Igbeti at BCOS Staff Canteen, Basorun, Ibadan. The party was to, in the words of Ojetunde who is the chairman
of the group, is two-fold.
Firstly,it is to recognize and appreciate the contributions of some public office holders in the immediate
past, and secondly, to thank God for bringing some others into the piublic office under the present administration."
He added that the opportunity was also meant to echo "the expectations of the people that you should muster
efforts for continued unity of Igbeti,exhibit commitments for progress of sthe community and vigorously seek all opportunities,
with your position, for the development of Olorunsogo local government, Oyo State and Nigeria in general".
He listed a number of areas where development efforts are needed. Among these are the town hall, general
post office, telecommunication services, extension of water and electricity supply and Oloye housing estate.
Other things he called attention to were the Onigbeti crown, preparation for the forthcoming census exercise/boundary
adjustment, Igbeti marble and the development of the various tourism potentials in the council area.
The need to have a standard police station and barracks as well as road construction and rehabilitation were
also mentioned.
Various speakers on the occasion underscored the importance of the issues raised by Ojetunde as well as the
new era of rapproachment now emerging in Olorunsogo. Thanking Egbe Itesiwaju for its initiative in this direction, the speakers
expressed the hope that new spirit of tolerance and understanding would endure and prosper.
Special adviser to Governor Rashidi Ladoja, Chief A.O. Babalola assured the people of Ladoja’s administration
to assist in the development quest of the people.
"Igbeti is the second home of Governor Ladoja. He is always passionate about anything that has to do with
the development and progress of that town" he emphasised.
Highlights of the get-together was the special awards given to three people who had served. They were Chief
Rasak Raji, former commissioner in the state, Prince Williams Adeoye, chairman of the local government and Alhaji Hameed Ayinla,
former chairman, Interim Government of Olorunsogo LG.
Dignitaries on the occasion include Hon. Akib Abubakar, Olorunsogo LG chairman, Hon. Philmone Adegoke Adeniran,
Mr Oladoja Oladele (Perm Sec in the Governor’s Office), Hon. Jacob Ojekunle of the Oyo state House of Assembly, Mr Jare
Ajayi, Elder Babalola, Alhaji Azeez Adeyemo, Hon Seyi Bamikunle, secretary to Olorunsogo Local Government, Deacon Ezekiel
Oguntowo, Mr Niran Okesiji and Mr Joe Omotunde.
Others were Councillor Ebenezer Ajayi, Mrs Adeniran, Mr Lanre Ajayi, Mr Yinusa Olayiwola Ibrahim, Mr Micheal
Adebayo, Mrs Leah Adeoye, Prince Ajeigbe Abiola, Hon Mumuni Gbadamosi, former leader of the council’s legislature, Mrs
Ojekunle and Yisa Ayinla.
Mrs Aremu, Mr Tanko Bioku Adeyemi, Mr Omoladun Rasak, Ademola Adeyemi, Mr Taye Ayinla and Mr Adeyemi Adedokun
among several others.
Secretary of the Oyo State Water Corporation, Mr Ayo Ayandeyi compered the programme as though he was a professional
master of ceremony.
Awon Asoju Yoruba n beere oloopa fun ijoba Ipinle
(Lati owo Jare Ajayi)
Awon ti ijoba yan lati ile Yoruba lo si Ajoro lori atunse oro-oselu ati oro-aje ile Naijiria (National Conference
on Political and Economic Reforms) ti n lo lowo ni ilu Abuja ti se agbekale iwe apileko kan eyi ti won pe ni ‘Erongba
Guusu Iwo-Oorun’ ile Naijiria (South West Agenda).
Iyato wa ninu ohun ti iwe yii n so pelu ‘Erongba Yoruba’ ti awon omo Yoruba to se ajoro ni gbagede
Onikan, Eko laipe yi fenuko le lori gege bi ohun ti gbogbo awon ti yoo ma soro loruko Yoruba gbodo maa fi se orin ko.
Pataki lara awon ohun ti apileko ti won gbe kale ni Abuja lojo Aje (11/04/2005) soro le lori ni iru eto ijoba
ti o ye ki Naijiria gun le, gbigbe ofin ro, iye eka ijoba to ye ko wa, fifi oruko egbe oselu sile ati beebee lo.
Oju ewe merinlelaadota (54) ni iwe ti a wi yi gba, awon asiwaju asoju ipinle kookan lati ile Yoruba lo si
fi owo si iwe apileko naa. Oruko won ati ipinle ti won ti wa ni Oloye S.K. Babalola (Ekiti), Alhaji Olufemi Lateef Okunnu
(Eko), Omooba Bola Ajibola (Ogun), Ajagunfehinti Akin Aduwo (Ondo), Adajofehinti Bola Babalakin (Osun) ati Oloye Richard Akinjide
Koko ohun ti iwe naa n so ni:
Eto isakoso Eto ijoba aare apase-waa (Presidential system) ni won fi ara mo. Iru
eyi ti a n lo lowo bayii. A o se iranti pe ijoba alajo tee koto (Parliamentary) ti won n lo ni ile Geesi (Britain)
ni agbarijo awon Yoruba fi enu ko ninu apejo won to waye ni ilu Eko. Iru eto ijoba ti a wi yii ni Naijiria n lo tele ki o
to di pe awon ologun gba ijoba ni odun 1966. Oye ti awon to n pepe fun pipada si iru eto yii wo ni pe ko fi aye sile fun fifi
agbara ‘tani yoo bi mi’ sile to bi o se wa nibi aare-apase-waa.
Gbigbe ofin ro Iwe apileko awon ara Abuja bere fun olopaa onipele meji. Okan ti yoo je ti ijoba
apapo ni yoo ma mojuto ofin ijoba apapo nigba ti olopaa ijoba ipinle yoo ma mojuto ofin ijoba ipinle.
Egbe Oselu Iwe naa so pe fifi oruko egbe oselu sile lodo ijoba ko gbodo ni kolofin kan. Eyi ni pe awon
to ba ti ko ara won jo, ti won so pe egbe oselu ni awon naa ni ki ijoba yonda fun lati maa se ohun ti awon egbe oselu yoku
n se labe ofin.
Sugbon awon egbe oselu wonyi ko gbodo gbojule owo lati odo ijoba fun akitiyan won. Won gbodo le da duro nipa
sise eto owo laarin awon omo egbe won ni.
ase, awon to ko ara won jo naa gbodo ni oofiisi ni bi ipinle merinlelogun ati awon nnkan ‘gbodo ni’
Akapo ijoba Iwe naa tun n fe ki Akapo asunwon ijoba apapo (federal government) o wa yato si Akapo
asunwon ijoba gbogbogboo (government(s) of the federation).
Kabiosi fun alakoso ijoba (Immunity) Ero awon asoju wonyi ni pe abala Iwe Ofin ti o soo di eewo
lati pe aare, gomina ati igbakeji won lejo lori ohun ti won ba se niwon igba ti won ba wa lori aga ijoba gbodo je atunyewo.
Won beere fun atunse abala yii ki o le baa see se lati ye won lowo wo bi won ba ti n si ipo won lo.
Asoju Loju awon asoju wonyi, egbe oselu to ba ni ibo to po ju ni ki o maa se akoso ijoba (winner-take-all
arrangement). Ko gbodo si pe awon egbe yooku yoo ni omo egbe won ninu ijoba ni ibamu pelu bi won se tewon si lodo awon oludibo.
Labe ijoba tee-koto (parliamentary), gbogbo egbe to ba ni ibo to joju die ni yoo ni asoju ninu ijoba. O kan
je pe egbe to ni ibo to po ju ni yoo maa dari ijoba ni.
Eka ijoba Awon ara Abuja ko tun faramo ete ati pada si eto ijoba agbegbe onisori-n-sori (regionalism)
eyi ti apejo ti ilu Eko fi owo si. Ero awon ara Abuja ni pe opon ti sun koja asiko ti a lo iru eto ijoba yen. Won woye pe
ko si ohun to buru nibi eto ijoba ipinle ti a n lo lowo yii. Sugbon won gba pe ki ijoba ibile wa; ati pe ijoba ibile wonyi
gbodo wa labe akoso ijoba ipinle ni.
O se pataki ki a ran ara wa leti pe awon to n pepe fun ijoba agbegbe ko so pe ki ijoba ipinle ati ijoba ibile
pare. Won ni o ye ki Naijiria ni eto ijoba onipele merin; ijoba apapo/gbogbogboo (federal government), ijoba agbegbe (regional
government), ijoba ipinle (state government) ati ijoba ibile (local government). Ni bayi, ijoba onipele meta la ni; apapo,
ipinle ati ibile.
Awon elegbejegbe, ologbajogba ati awon eya orisirisi lo n fi iwe apileko (memorandum) rannse si ajo ti n
se Apero ni ilu Abuja.
Eyin onkawe waa yoo seranti pe awon gomina ipinle kookan lo yan awon asoju mefa-mefa lo si ibi apero yii
ti Aare Olusegun Obasanjo si yan bi aadota awon miran kun won. Irinwo ni awon ti n jokoo apero naa. Osu meta ni ijoba fun
ijoko naa lati fi se ise re.
Epo Kerosinni: Obj ye adehun
Ogota naira o le meji ni jala epo karosinni kan bayii nigba
ti galoonu kan n lo si bii irinwo naira.
Eyi ri bee latari owo ti ijoba tun fe le iye ti won n ta epo.
A o se iranti pe ni inu osun kokanla odun to koja, Aare Olusegun Obasanjo so wipe oun ko mo pe iye owo ti
won n ta jala kerosinni ju owo ti bentiroolu ti moto n lo lo. O wa pase pe lati igba naa lo, owo kerosinni ko gbodo ju ti
bentiroolu lo mo ni Naijiria "nitori oun ni awon mekunnu n lo fi tan’na ati fun idana won".
Sugbon ni ojo kefa osu kerin yii ni owon tun gun ori owo epo. Bentiroo fo fere lati naira mejidinlogoji di
aadota o le marun-un, nigba ti kerosin gbera lati nnkan be aadota naira lo si ogota o le meji. Epo disu nitire ti di aadorin
naira si aadorin o le marun-un. Epo disu ni awon ile ise ati awon elero n lo.Owongogo owo epo yii je idi pataki ti o opo ile-ise
fi kogba sile, nigba ti opo awon onise-owo paapaa ko ri ise se mo. Paapaajulo awon ti ise won je mo lilo ina ijoba bii ajorinmorin
(welder), atewe (printer) onigbajamo (barber/hairdresser), atun-ohun-elo ile se (electrician) ati bee bee lo.
Ijoba ko yee parowa lojojumo fun awon omo ile Naijiria ati awon ajoji lati wa da ile-ise ati oko-owo sile
ni orile-ede yii. Beeni ijoba n se ikilo fun awon eniyan ki won ye maa ge igi ninu igbo. Se awon ti agbara won ko ka gaasi
idana, ti kerosinni naa tun ti n koja tito, ki igi inu igbo ma safira lo ku. Bi ohun ti a n je ba tan, ki ohun ti a ki i je
ma se afira loro kan.
Ijiya nla fun awon afaaro se faaji
Ijiya to gbopon ni yoo wa fun enikeni ti owo ba te pe o n mu oti tabi yun ile igba-faaji ni asiko to ye ki
o wa ni enu ise tabi ile-iwe.
Alaga ijoba ibile Olorunsogo ni Ipinle Oyo, Honerebu Mukadam Akibu Abubakar lo so eyi di mimo nigba ti o
n soro lori iwa afe sise lasiko to ye ki eniyan wa lenu ise.
Ilu Ibadan ni oro yi ti jeyo nibi apeje kan ti Egbe Itesiwaju Omo Igbeti se lati ye awon to ti sin ilu ati
awon to wa lori alefa lowo bayi si.
Alagba Babalola lo koko siso lori oro yi nibi ayeye naa. Gege bi Abubakar se wi nigba ti o n fesi si ilodi
si iwa buburu ti awon odo n hu yi , iwadi fi han pe aarin awon omo Igbeti to wa nile ni faaji sise ti wopo ju laarin gbogbo
awon ilu to wa ni agbegbe Oke-ogun.
O woye pelu edun-okan pe bi eniyan ba de awon ile oti kan ni Igbeti eniyan yoo ba awon to ti joko
oti-mimu lati bii aago mesan-mewaa owuro.
"Eyi ko bojumu rara. O si je ohun to n banilokan je".
Alaga naa wa so o di mimo pe ona ati fi opin si iwa buruku yii lo je ki oun fun awon agbofinro ni ase lati
mu enikeni ti won ba ba nile faaji laarin aago mejo owuro si ago mejila.
"A mo pe eni to ba sise deede, o ye ki o se faaji. Sugbon gbogbo nnkan lo ni asiko tire. Asiko ise oto, asiko
igba faaji, oto."
Afenuko olukaluku ni pe ko si ohun to le ni ki eniyan - paapaa julo awon odo - gba ile-oti lo laaro kutukutu;
ni asiko to ye ki won wa ni enu ise tabi ibi ekose won. Latari eyi ni alaga naa se gba awon omo ilu Igbeti niyanju pe ki won
mu ise sise ni okunkundun ju bi won ti n se lowo bayi lo, ‘nitori ise ni a fi n di eni giga".
The 2004 Corruption Perceptions Index
Explanatory notes
CPI 2004 Score relates to perceptions of the degree of corruption as seen
by business people, and country analysts, and ranges between 10 (highly
clean) and 0 (highly corrupt).
Surveys Used refers to the number of surveys that assessed a country’s
performance. A total of 18 surveys and expert assessments were used, and
at least three surveys were required for a country to be included in the
Standard Deviation indicates differences in the values of the sources. As
indicated by colors, values below 0.5 indicate agreement, values between
0.5 and 0.9 indicate some agreement, while values equal or larger than 1
indicate disagreement.
High-Low Range provides the highest and lowest values of the different
90 percent confidence range provides a range of possible values of the CPI
score. This reflects how a country’s score may vary, depending on
measurement precision. With 5 percent probability the score is above this
range and with another 5 percent it is below. However, particularly when
only few sources (n) are availbale, an unbiased estimate of the mean
coverage probability is lower than the nominal value of 90%. It is 65.3%
for n=3, 73.6% for n=4, 78.4% for n=5, 80.2% for n=6 and 81.8% for n=7.
Country rankCountryCPI 2004 scoreNumber of Surveys usedStandard
deviationHigh-low range90 % confidence range
1 Finland 9.790.39.2 - 10.09.5 - 9.8
2 New Zealand 9.690.29.2 - 9.79.4 - 9.6
3 Denmark 9.5100.48.7 - 9.89.3 - 9.7
4 Iceland 9.580.39.2 - 9.89.4 - 9.7
5 Singapore 9.3130.38.5 - 9.59.2 - 9.4
6 Sweden 9.2110.38.7 - 9.59.1 - 9.3
7Switzerland9.1100.38.6 - 9.48.9 - 9.2
8Norway8.990.68.0 - 9.58.6 - 9.1
9Australia8.8150.86.7 - 9.58.4 - 9.1
10Netherlands8.7100.48.3 - 9.48.5 - 8.9
11United Kingdom 8.6120.57.8 - 9.28.4 - 8.8
12Canada8.5120.96.5 - 9.48.1 - 8.9
13Austria8.4100.77.3 - 9.38.1 - 8.8
Luxembourg8.470.87.3 - 9.68.0 - 8.9
15Germany8.2110.77.5 - 9.28.0 - 8.5
16Hong Kong8131.63.5 - 9.47.1 - 8.5
17Belgium7.5100.96.6 - 9.17.1 - 8.0
Ireland7.5100.76.5 - 8.77.2 - 7.9
USA7.5141.25.0 - 8.76.9 - 8.0
20Chile7.4110.86.3 - 8.77.0 - 7.8
21Barbados7.330.86.6 - 8.06.6 - 7.6
22France7.1121.15.0 - 9.06.6 - 7.6
23 Spain 7.1110.75.6 - 8.06.7 - 7.4
24Japan6.9151.43.5 - 9.06.2 - 7.4
25Malta6.841.95.3 - 9.15.3 - 8.2
26Israel6.4101.53.5 - 8.15.6 - 7.1
27Portugal6.391.05.0 - 7.35.8 - 6.8
28Uruguay6.260.75.6 - 7.35.9 - 6.7
29Oman6.151.34.2 - 7.35.1 - 6.8
United Arab Emirates6.151.54.7 - 8.05.1 - 7.1
31Botswana671.44.4 - 8.05.3 - 6.8
Estonia6121.25.0 - 9.15.6 - 6.7
Slovenia6121.05.3 - 8.75.6 - 6.6
34Bahrain5.850.65.3 - 6.65.5 - 6.2
35Taiwan5.6151.13.7 - 7.85.2 - 6.1
36Cyprus5.440.64.7 - 6.05.0 - 5.8
37Jordan5.391.33.7 - 6.84.6 - 5.9
38Qatar5.240.74.3 - 5.84.6 - 5.6
39Malaysia5151.32.6 - 8.04.5 - 5.6
Tunisia571.03.7 - 6.64.5 - 5.6
41Costa Rica4.981.43.6 - 7.84.2 - 5.8
42Hungary4.8120.54.1 - 5.64.6 - 5.0
Italy4.8100.73.4 - 5.64.4 - 5.1
44Kuwait4.651.13.4 - 5.63.8 - 5.3
Lithuania4.691.43.1 - 7.74.0 - 5.4
South Africa4.6110.83.4 - 5.84.2 - 5.0
47South Korea4.5141.02.2 - 5.84.0 - 4.9
48Seychelles4.430.93.7 - 5.33.7 - 5.0
49Greece4.390.83.8 - 5.64.0 - 4.8
Suriname4.332.32.1 - 6.62.1 - 5.8
51Czech Republic4.2111.33.4 - 7.33.7 - 4.9
El Salvador4.271.52.1 - 6.33.3 - 5.1
Trinidad and Tobago4.261.23.3 - 6.63.6 - 5.2
54Bulgaria4.1101.02.9 - 5.73.7 - 4.6
Mauritius4.151.22.5 - 5.63.2 - 4.8
Namibia4.171.02.6 - 5.33.5 - 4.6
57Latvia480.53.5 - 4.83.8 - 4.3
Slovakia4111.03.0 - 5.63.6 - 4.5
59Brazil3.9110.53.5 - 4.83.7 - 4.1
60Belize3.830.53.4 - 4.33.4 - 4.1
Colombia3.8100.82.5 - 4.53.4 - 4.1
62Cuba3.741.71.6 - 5.62.2 - 4.7
Panama3.770.73.0 - 5.13.4 - 4.2
64Ghana3.670.92.5 - 5.13.1 - 4.1
Mexico3.6110.52.6 - 4.53.3 - 3.8
Thailand3.6140.72.5 - 4.53.3 - 3.9
67Croatia3.590.52.7 - 4.23.3 - 3.8
Peru3.580.52.6 - 4.03.3 - 3.7
Poland3.5131.02.4 - 5.33.1 - 3.9
Sri Lanka3.580.82.5 - 4.53.1 - 3.9
71China3.4161.02.1 - 5.63.0 - 3.8
Saudi Arabia3.451.12.0 - 4.52.7 - 4.0
Syria3.451.12.1 - 5.12.8 - 4.1
74Belarus3.352.01.6 - 5.81.9 - 4.8
Gabon3.331.22.1 - 4.32.1 - 3.7
Jamaica3.360.72.1 - 4.22.8 - 3.7
77Benin3.231.72.0 - 5.12.0 - 4.3
Egypt3.281.02.1 - 5.12.7 - 3.8
Mali3.251.61.5 - 5.12.2 - 4.2
Morocco3.270.62.5 - 3.92.9 - 3.5
Turkey3.2131.01.9 - 5.42.8 - 3.7
82Armenia3.150.92.3 - 4.32.4 - 3.7
Bosnia and Herzegovina3.170.72.3 - 4.02.7 - 3.5
Madagascar3.141.71.7 - 5.31.8 - 4.4
85Mongolia330.42.6 - 3.42.6 - 3.2
Senegal360.82.0 - 4.22.5 - 3.5
87Dominican Republic2.960.72.0 - 3.62.4 - 3.3
Iran2.950.91.6 - 3.72.2 - 3.4
Romania2.9121.01.7 - 5.12.5 - 3.4
90Gambia2.850.91.6 - 3.82.2 - 3.4
India2.8150.52.2 - 3.72.6 - 3.0
Malawi2.851.12.0 - 4.52.2 - 3.7
Mozambique2.870.72.1 - 3.72.4 - 3.1
Nepal2.831.11.6 - 3.51.6 - 3.4
Russia2.8150.82.0 - 5.02.5 - 3.1
Tanzania2.870.72.0 - 3.72.4 - 3.2
97Algeria2.760.62.0 - 3.42.3 - 3.0
Lebanon2.750.91.6 - 3.72.1 - 3.2
Macedonia2.770.82.1 - 4.32.3 - 3.2
Nicaragua2.770.52.1 - 3.52.5 - 3.0
Serbia and Montenegro2.770.62.1 - 3.52.3 - 3.0
102Eritrea2.631.41.6 - 4.21.6 - 3.4
Papua New Guinea2.641.21.6 - 4.31.9 - 3.4
Philippines2.6140.71.4 - 3.72.4 - 2.9
Uganda2.670.82.0 - 3.72.1 - 3.1
Vietnam2.6110.61.6 - 3.72.3 - 2.9
Zambia2.660.62.0 - 3.42.3 - 2.9
108Albania2.540.72.0 - 3.32.0 - 3.0
Argentina2.5110.71.7 - 3.72.2 - 2.8
Libya2.540.81.8 - 3.51.9 - 3.0
Palestine2.530.52.0 - 2.92.0 - 2.7
112Ecuador2.470.22.1 - 2.62.3 - 2.5
Yemen2.450.81.6 - 3.51.9 - 2.9
114Congo. Republic2.340.52.0 - 2.92.0 - 2.7
Ethiopia2.360.81.6 - 3.71.9 - 2.9
Honduras2.370.51.5 - 2.92.0 - 2.6
Moldova2.350.71.8 - 3.42.0 - 2.8
Sierra Leone2.330.62.0 - 2.92.0 - 2.7
Uzbekistan2.360.32.0 - 2.52.1 - 2.4
Venezuela2.3110.32.0 - 3.02.2 - 2.5
Zimbabwe2.370.71.2 - 3.31.9 - 2.7
122Bolivia2.260.22.0 - 2.52.1 - 2.3
Guatemala2.270.41.6 - 2.52.0 - 2.4
Kazakhstan2.270.81.6 - 3.71.8 - 2.7
Kyrgyzstan2.250.41.8 - 2.62.0 - 2.5
Niger2.230.42.0 - 2.62.0 - 2.5
Sudan2.250.32.0 - 2.52.0 - 2.3
Ukraine2.2100.51.6 - 2.92.0 - 2.4
129Cameroon2.150.41.7 - 2.61.9 - 2.3
Iraq2.141.11.2 - 3.51.3 - 2.8
Kenya2.170.51.6 - 3.11.9 - 2.4
Pakistan2.170.81.2 - 3.31.6 - 2.6
133Angola250.31.5 - 2.11.7 - 2.1
Congo. Democratic Republic230.61.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.2
Cote d’Ivoire250.41.6 - 2.51.7 - 2.2
Georgia270.61.0 - 2.61.6 - 2.3
Indonesia2140.60.8 - 3.21.7 - 2.2
Tajikistan240.51.6 - 2.61.7 - 2.4
Turkmenistan230.61.6 - 2.51.6 - 2.3
140Azerbaijan1.970.21.6 - 2.11.8 - 2.0
Paraguay1.970.51.2 - 2.61.7 - 2.2
142Chad1.740.81.0 - 2.61.1 - 2.3
Myanmar1.740.31.5 - 2.11.5 - 2.0
144Nigeria1.690.40.9 - 2.11.4 - 1.8
145Bangladesh1.580.80.3 - 2.41.1 - 1.9
146 Haiti1.550.60.8 - 2.41.2 - 1.9 -
impressumInnstr.27 - 94032 Passau - Germany - Fax: +49(0)851-509-2492 -
last change 2004/10/12, 15:18.
Adeoye laments absence of Igbeti indigenes in LG top positions
The immediate past chairman of Olorunsogo Local Government, Oyo State, Prince Williams Adeoye has decried
a situation in which no person of Igbeti origin hold s top-ranking offices like Director of Personnel Management(DPM), Director
of Finance or Director of Works in any of the 33 local government councils in the state.
He expressed the misgiving penultimate Saturday at a reception organised by Egbe Itesiwaju Omo Igbeti held
at the Staff Canteen of the Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo State, Basorun, Ibadan.
Adeoye, who was chairman of he council between 1999 and 2002, claimed that while in office, his administration
employed quite a number of qualified indigenes with a view to seeing them progressing - in addition to several who have been
in the service beforehand.
‘Unfortunately, none of our officers had been promoted by the state’s local government service
commission to the level of the directorship of DPM, DF or that of Works".
He urged those concerned to pay attention to this area and do something about it.
Speaking in the same vein, Honourable Goke Adeniran of the Federeal House of Representatives, Abuja too regretted
that Igbeti indigenes are not found in most of the federal minisries, parastatals and institutions.
Adeniran who represents Irepo/Olorunsogo/Oorelope constituency said that only in the Ministry of Communication
is there an indigene "and he is not even in the top echelon. He enjoined the people to move out more and to make themselves
Former commissioner for Ministry of Commerce, Industries and Co-operatives in Oyo State, Chief Rasaki Ayanlola
Raji recalled that Lam Adesina administration under which he served substantially increased the tally of Igbeti indigenes
in the state civil service.
Raji, who also served as Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters, said that he and some
Igbeti officers particularly Mr Doja Oladele and Mr Bayo Ojetunde worked hard to have very large number of candidates from
Igbeti employed. He thanked the said officers for their support while in office.
Speaking in the same vein, incumbent chairman of Olorunsogo Local Government, Honourable Mukadam Akib Abubakar
disclosed that efforts are in top gear to provide employment for the people.
He pointed to the number of teachers being employed as well as various programmes aimed at stimulating economic
activities with a view to have more people employed and alleviate poverty.
Saki East hosts youths at a soccer tourney
History was made at Sepeteri, Saki East Local Government of Oyo State between Saturday April 2, and April
9, 2005 as youths all over the federation converged for this year’s Under-14 Boys Soccer Tournament.
The tournament, named after the Minister of State for Agriculture, Otunba Bamidele Dada, was organised by
the Youths Sports Federation of Nigeria (YSFON).
It was the first time such a prestigious tournament is being held in a rural setting of that nature particularly
in Oke ogun.
The impressive feat of Saki East Football Team otherwise known as Muda Babes in YSFON soccer competition
won the council the right to host this year’s event.
It would be recalled that in far-away Calabar, Cross Rivers State, Muda Babes dazed everybody by winning
the coveted U.J. Esuene Cup after trouncing their counterparts from other parts of the country.
Speaking at the tournament in Sepeteri, Otunba Dele Dada in whose honour the tourney is named, disclosed
that the federal government under President Olusegun Obasanjo is determined to make Nigeria a better place for everybody.
He mentioned a number of programmes embarked upon by the government towards the realisation of this objective.
He enjoined the youths to always channel their energies towards productive ventures rather than being wayward.
Chairman of Saki East who was the chief host said that he and his government were encouraged by the performance
of the young team hence the bid to host this year’s competition. He assured everyone that government would always be
willing to encourage every good efforts.
He outlined a number of programmes his administration is into for the purpose of making life better for the
Oyo state commissioner for Youths and Sports Development, Dr M.A. Adejumo too spoke about the various steps
being taken by the Oyo state governemnt towards the betterment of the youths and citizens of the state in general.
He enjoined the youths to refrain from any action that may jeoppardice their future.
Secretatry of YSFON, Mr Isa Idris expressed satisfaction that the effort of his organisation to encourage
sports among youths is yielding fruits.
He expressed the gratitude of YSFON to both the minister, Oyo State government and Saki East local government
for making the tournament possible.
The opening match which was between the host Muda Babes and Kaduna State contingent ended 2-1 in favour of
Muda Babes.
Muda Babes Team is to represent Nigeria at a youths soccer competition holding in Scotland in May this year.
Homily at Pope John's burial
VATICAN CITY (AP) - Text of the homily read, in Italian, by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, dean of the College
of Cardinals, during the funeral Mass of Pope John Paul II. Translation given by the Vatican.
"Follow me." The Risen Lord says these words to Peter. They are his last words to this disciple, chosen to
shepherd his flock. "Follow me" - this lapidary saying of Christ can be taken as the key to understanding the message which
comes to us from the life of our late beloved Pope John Paul II. Today we bury his remains in the earth as a seed of immortality
- our hearts are full of sadness, yet at the same time of joyful hope and profound gratitude.
These are the sentiments that inspire us, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, present here in St. Peter’s
Square, in neighboring streets and in various other locations within the city of Rome, where an immense crowd, silently praying,
has gathered over the last few days. I greet all of you from my heart. In the name of the College of Cardinals, I also wish
to express my respects to Heads of State, Heads of Government and the delegations from various countries. I greet the Authorities
and official representatives of other Churches and Christian Communities, and likewise those of different religions. Next
I greet the Archbishops, Bishops, priests, religious men and women and the faithful who have come here from every Continent;
especially the young, whom John Paul II liked to call the future and the hope of the Church. My greeting is extended, moreover,
to all those throughout the world who are united with us through radio and television in this solemn celebration of our beloved
Holy Father’s funeral.
Follow me - as a young student Karol Wojtyla was thrilled by literature, the theater, and poetry. Working
in a chemical plant, surrounded and threatened by the Nazi terror, he heard the voice of the Lord: Follow me! In this extraordinary
setting he began to read books of philosophy and theology, and then entered the clandestine seminary established by Cardinal
Sapieha. After the war he was able to complete his studies in the faculty of theology of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow.
How often, in his letters to priests and in his autobiographical books has he spoken to us about his priesthood, to which
he was ordained on Nov. 1, 1946. In these texts he interprets his priesthood with particular reference to three sayings of
the Lord. First: "You did not choose me, but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last"
(John 15:16). The second saying is: "The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep" (John 10:11). And then: "As the father
has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love" (John 15:9). In these three sayings we see the heart and soul of our
Holy Father. He really went everywhere, untiringly, in order to bear fruit, fruit that lasts. "Rise, Let us be on our Way!"
is the title of his next-to-last book. "Rise, let us be on our way!" - with these words he roused us from a lethargic faith,
from the sleep of the disciples of both yesterday and today. "Rise, let us be on our way!" he continues to say to us even
today. The Holy Father was a priest to the last, for he offered his life to God for his flock and for the entire human family,
in a daily self-oblation for the service of the Church, especially amid the sufferings of his final months. And this way he
became one with Christ, the Good Shepherd who loves his sheep. Finally, "abide in my love:" the Pope who tried to meet everyone,
who had an ability to forgive and to open his heart to all, tells us once again today, with these words of the Lord, that
by abiding in the love of Christ we learn, at the school of Christ, the art of true love.
Follow me! In July 1958 the young priest Karol Wojtila began a new stage in his journey with the Lord in
the footsteps of the Lord. Karol had gone to the Masuri Lakes for his usual vacation, along with a group of young people who
loved canoeing. But he brought with him a letter inviting him to call on the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Wyszynski. He could
guess the purpose of the meeting: he was to be appointed as the auxiliary Bishop of Krakow. Leaving the academic world, leaving
this challenging engagement with young people, leaving the great intellectual endeavor of striving to understand and to interpret
the mystery of that creature which is man and of communicating to today’s world the Christian interpretation of our
being - all this must have seemed to him like losing his very self, losing what had become the very human identity of this
young priest. Follow me - Karol Wojtyla accepted the appointment for he heard in the Church’s call the voice of Christ.
And then he realized how true are the Lord’s words: "Those who try to make their life secure will lose it, but those
who lose their life will keep it" (Luke 17:53). Our pope - and we all know this - never wanted to make his own life secure,
to keep it for himself, he wanted to give of himself unreservedly, to the very last moment, for Christ and thus also for us.
And thus he came to experience how everything which he had given over into the Lord’s hands came back to him in a new
way. His love of words, of poetry, of literature became an essential part of his pastoral mission and gave his new vitality,
new urgency, new attractiveness to the preaching of the Gospel, even when it is a sign of contradiction.
Follow me! In October 1978, Cardinal Wojtyla once again heard the voice of the Lord. Once more there took
place that dialogue with Peter reported in the Gospel of this Mass: "Simon, son of John, do you love me? Feed my sheep!’
To the Lord’s question, `Karol, do you love me?’ the archbishop of Krakow answered from the depths of his heart:
"Lord, you know everything: you know that I love you." The love of Christ was the dominant force in the life of our beloved
Holy Father. Anyone who ever saw him pray, who ever heard him preach, knows that. Thanks to his being profoundly rooted in
Christ, he was able to bear a burden which transcends merely human abilities: that of being the shepherd of Christ’s
flock, his universal Church. This is not the time to speak of the specific content of this rich pontificate. I would like
only to read two passages of today’s liturgy which reflect the central elements of his message. In the first reading,
St. Peter says - and with St. Peter, the pope himself - "I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation
anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. You know the message he sent to the people of Israel, preaching
peace by Jesus Christ - he is Lord of all" (Acts of the Apostles 10:34-36). And in the second reading, St. Paul - and with
St. Paul, our late Pope - exhorts us, crying out: "My brothers and sisters, whom I love and long for, my joy and my crown,
stand firm in the Lord in this way, my beloved" (Philippians 4:1).
Follow me! Together with the command to feed his flock, Christ proclaimed to Peter that he would die a martyr’s
death. With those words, which conclude and sum up the dialogue on the love and on the mandate of the universal shepherd,
the Lord recalls another dialogue, which took place during the Last Supper. There Jesus had said: "Where I am going, you cannot
come." Peter said to him, "Lord, where are you going?" Jesus replied: "Where I cam going, you cannot follow me now: but you
will follow me afterward." (John 13:33-36). Jesus from the Supper went toward the Cross, went toward his resurrection - he
entered into the paschal mystser; and Peter could not follow him. Now - after the resurrection - comes the time, comes this
"afterward." By shepherding the flock of Christ, Peter enters into the paschal mystery, he goes toward the cross and the resurrection.
The Lord says this in these words: "`....when you were younger, you used to fasten your own belt and to go wherever you
wished. But when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will fasten a belt around you and take you
where you do not wish to go; (John 21:18) In the first years of his pontificate, still young and full of energy, the Holy
Father went to very ends of the earth, guided by Christ. But afterward, he increasingly entered into the communion of Christ’s
sufferings; increasingly he understood the truth of the words: "Someone else will fasten a belt around you." And in the very
communion with the suffering Lord, tirelessly and with renewed intensity, he proclaimed the Gospel, the mystery of that love
which goes to the end (John 13:1).
He interpreted for us the paschal mystery as a mystery of divine mercy. In his last book, he wrote: The limit
imposed upon evil "is ultimately Divine Mercy" ("Memory and Identity," p. 60-61). And reflecting on the assassination attempt,
he said: "In sacrificing himself for us all, Christ gave a new meaning to suffering, opening up a new dimension, a new order:
the order of love .... It is this suffering which burns and consumes evil with the flame of love and draws forth even from
sin a great flowering of good." Impelled by this vision, the Pope suffered and loved in communion with Christ, and that is
why the message of his suffering and his silence proved so eloquent and so fruitful.Divine Mercy: the Holy Father found the
purest reflection of God’s mercy in the Mother of God. He who at an early age had lost his own mother, loved his divine
mother all the more. He heard the words of the crucified Lord as addressed personally to him: "Behold your Mother." And so
he did as the beloved disciple did: he took her into his own home;" (John 19:27) Totus tuus. And from the mother he learned
to conform himself to Christ.None of us can ever forget how in that last Easter Sunday of his life, the Holy Father, marked
by suffering, came once more to the window of the Apostolic Palace and one last time gave his blessing urbi et orbi. We can
be sure that our beloved pope is standing today at the window of the Father’s house, that he sees us and blesses us.
Yes, bless us, Holy Father. We entrust your dear soul to the Mother of God, your Mother, who guided you each day and who will
guide you now to the eternal glory of her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lawmaker condemns attack on MPs
Ogunsola consolidates development in Saki
Oyo House expresses concern over mining in Oke ogun
COIN insists on Oke ogun State
Poetry Corner (for Tsunami Victims) by Sampson Abdu Odidi
Oyo House gets new Clerk
Ogunbiyi passes on
OYCOF plans retreat
Agboola bids world goodbye
Oke Ogun and the 2005 Census The Way Forward
Olorunsogo revives Chairmanship Cup competition
Ewu n be lori dida Ipinle Oke ogun sile
Ojo ho ile ni Saki; Oje, Agbonle naa
Eto gbogbo lo ti ko lati gbe owo apapo elegberun kan naira odindi jade.
Oyebisi se’yawo onibeji
Eto Apero bere ni Naijiria
JARE AJAYI ti (ASETO Oke-ogun) ti i tun se Olootu iwe irohin Oloye
Gbode ati Afonrere YORUBA lo se eda Apero yii lati ede Oyinbo si Yoruba.
jareajayi@yahoo.com, africa_aseto@yahoo.com P.O. Box 10692, Ibaddan, Oyo State, Nigeria. http://afonrereyoruba.tripod.com
Nigeria wants to earn $10b from cassava annually
Cassava farmers in Nigeria to earn more Farmers in rural and sub-rural areas in Nigeria
are likely to start earning more for their toil as the federal government is determined to make cassava the second foreign
exchange earner for the country - second only to oil.
To achieve this, President Olusegun Obasanjo in November last year set up an 11-member committee to work
on the export potentials of the crop.Headed by the Minister of Commerce, Ambasador Idris Waziri, the committee was charged
with the responsibility of collating all information that would help in boosting the country’s export of and earnings
from cassava and make the commodity readily available for export.
The effort is geared towards earning for Nigeria an annual income of N10 billion dollars from export alone.
However, this preoccupation of government for export of cassava is already putting pressures on local availability
of cassava, as reflected in the increasing cost of that staple. For instance, just about 12 months ago, the cost of a measure
(kongo) of gari was less than forty naira (N40.00). Today, the price hovers between N70 and N90, depnding on the variety and
location of the market.
A danfo driver and his conductor who spoke with Oloye News said that the amount they spend on lunch or dinner
has doubled in recent months because the price at which they buy a qrap of gari has gone up. "Where the wrap remains for say
ten naira, the quantity in that wrap is now so small that you have to buy two or three wraps to equate what used to be one
wrap before. In other words, where I used to spend N30 for three wraps of gari now I have to buy N60 worth before I am satisfied.
By the time I add money for meat and pure water, I am already spending about a hundred naira on just one meal. What about
the other two other meals?" The driver asked rhetorically adding that he alone spends an average of N400 to N500 on food daily
while a sum roughly estimated at about a thousand naira has to be earmarked for his family. He has a wife and three children.
"That is on feeding alone, brother. I have not mentioned cost for the children’s education. Cost of
their clothing. Our house rent, healthcare, my wife’s personal upkeep and sundry expenses on myself and extended family.
Look, life in Nigeria now is becoming unbearable. I dont want to talk or even think about it again"
His conductor, Sam Ileougbam, who disclosed that he is obviously not earning as much as his master asserted
that the increasing cost of living in Nigeria is what is making crimes to be on the increase.
"Basic necessities of life have to be met. In a situation where one is either not getting anything at all
- due to being unemployed - or where what he is getting is far below what could satisfy his basic needs, the tendency to engage
in illicit activities that can bring money is very high." he stated advising that all efforts being made at checking crimes
would amount to nought until jobs are provided and cost of living is made to be bearable.
Presidential committee on cassava, Ambassador Waziri assured that government "will make the sost of production
of cassava very cheap, provide fertilizers to farmers, provide adequate access to micro crdit and enhance the knowledge and
skills of athe farmers through capacity building".
Nigeria is the highest producer of cassava in the world. And just as her oil is of the highest quality so
is the cassava coming out of its soil. For instance the starch content of cassava from Nigeria is 85 per cent per kilogram
compared to that of her closest rival, Thailand which is 65 per cent.
Last November, President Obasanjo directed that by this year January, 10 per cent of bread flour should be
from cassava. He felt that this would encourage backward integration and earn aq projected annual income of five billion dollars
for the domestic economy.
In different markets in some urban areas, a tin of gari gone up to N200 from N120, while a bag went to between
N1,700 to between N2,800 and N3,000.
Your fate is in your hands - Oke ogun people told
The people of Oke Ogun, Oyo State have been enjoined to be more purposeful, more visionary, futuristic strategic
in their quest for development and freedom from years of marginalisation.
Handing down this advice were speakers at the maiden sensitisation of the campaign for power shift in Oyo
State organised by Oke Ogun Youth Consultative Forum (OYCOF).
The event which took place at Iseyin Town Hall on Saturday March 5, 2005 had people from various parts of
Oke ogun in attendance.
Among these were Chief Nathaniel Owoade, Professor Yisa Kehinde Yusuf, Professor Said Malik, Professor Dele
Layiwola, Dr Gbemi Remi Adeoti, Comrade Sule Bayo Ogunniyi, Honourable Tijani Jimoh of the Federal House of Representatives
among several others.
Acording to Chief Owoade, agitation begun by Oke ogun leaders such as Prince Afolabi Agboola, Alhaji Olopoenia,
Deacon Jonathan Aderounmu etc is yet to yield desired result because in part because of lack of unity among us and partly
because we are not strategic enough in our approach.
He regretted that while some are trying to lift the banner some other people who seem to owe allegiance to
people outside Oke ogun would be pulling the banner down.
He recommended the need to adopt a dictum of SWOT which is necessary for any people or organisation that
face a monumental challenge the type we are facing in Oke ogun.
By this he meant the need to identify our Strength, our Weakness, Opportunity(ies) available to us and the
Threat(s) that we either face or are likely to face. "If we did this correctly, we would be able to know how to solve our
Prof Malik toed the same line adding that we need to examine ourselves from time to time. He identified Oke
ogun number one problem as that of leadership. He too regretted that often decision as to who occupies what position in Oke
ogun is taken outside Oke ogun. "Final decision is not made in this regard until a go-ahead is obtained from Ibadan. How many
times do people from Ibadan come to Oke ogun for the resolution of their own affairs?" he asked rhetorically.
Guest lecturere of the day, Dr Yisa Yusuf who has just been promoted professor of English at Obafemi Awolowo
University challenged Oycof to find out why past efforts at elevating the area and having people of Oke ogun extraction in
positions have failed.
According to him, the path being trodden by Oycof had been trodden by many in the past. The challenge before
the group now should be why the past efforts failed. It is when this is done that there would be a guarrantee that their own
present effort would not go the way of the past. He submitted that the bane of past efforts had been partisan sensibility
on the part of our leaders. He ssaid that whenever anyone concieves any development plan, opposition would be mount against
him/her not necessarily beca use of the merit or demerit of the plan but because
its purveyor does not belong to their own political party. "Until we identify this properly and change this attitude, we may
not make much if any progress".
Following the fotsteps of those who identified unity of purpose as a roadmap to salvation,Prof Dele Layiwola
and Dr Remi Adeoti respecstively of the universities of Ibadan and Obafemi awolowo recalled that the consistence of the Yorubas
and their stand on the injustice of June 12, 1993 forced the political elite in Nigeria to concede the need to have the tribe
produce a president in 1999. According to the dons, it was this situation that had the three major political parties in the
land fielding Yoruba men as their presidential candidates. They urged Oke ogun people to take a cue from this.
In their organisers of the programme, OYCOF, submitted that the agelong neglect and marginalisation of Oke
ogun was the motivation behind the formation of the group and the sensitisation programme it is embarking upon.
"Because of our love for peace, harmony and accomodation; our selflessness, moral rectitude and a culture
of live and let live, modern day political elitses from 1951 to date have continously crafted second-class statuand position
for our region. Unfortunately, our region has often played along as though our history of valour, resilience and independce
islost to the relics". The group then called on everyone to brace up for the purpose of removing the yoke.
Ogunsola consolidates development in Saki East
Development and physical uplift and poverty alleviation are areas of focus for the administration of Muda
Dayo Ogunsola in the year 2005.
This fact came to light last weekend during the presentation of the year’s annual budget by the Saki
East local government chairman, Honourable Muda Dayo Ogunsola at the council’s headquarters, Ago Amodu.Among the specifics
to which the estimated N366,000,000 budget would be committed are extension of water taps to areas that do not have at the
moment, digging of boreholes in rural areas, building of cottage industries, establishment and enhancement of modern farms
and irrigation systems, provision of and improvement of education and healthcare. Also to receive attention
are construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of road network, assistance to communities engaged in self-help projects,
poverty alleviation materials, sport development, modern toilet and bathroom facilities, telecommunication systems including
the internet and enhancement of environmental awareness.
Oyo House warns on illegal mining in Oke ogun: calls for extra coaching in schoolsOyo State House of Assembly has called on the executive arm of government to do everything possible to put an end to
the environmental degradation being perperated by illegal mining of mineral resources in Oke ogun area of the state.
Apart from this, the House also urged the executive to enhance the quality of lesson being given to secondary
school students through the introduction of extra coaching hour(s) at the end of each day’s normal classes.
The House endorsed the prayers contained in two motions respectively moved by Honorables Hassan Bamidele
Ogundoke and Jacob Ojemuyiwa Ojekunle.
Moving the first motion, Ogundoke submitted that "For a long time now, mining of various precious stones
and solid minerals like tournmaline, beryl, emerald, amethyl quart, tin, tantalite, columbite, agate etc has been goin on
in Oke ogun are. These activities appear unchecked and unregulated by appropriate agencies of the government. This has resulted
in the land area being devastated in numbers of ways. Land areas hithero available for agriculture has been taken over by
illegal mining and the unplanned rush for solid mierals. Farmers have been displaced, deep holes and gullies are created which
make the land area easily susceptible to erosion and unsuitable for any agricultural purpose"
As a result of the above, the legislator representing Iseyin/Itesiwaju State Constituency urged the House
to prevail on the relevant agencies of the government to ensusre that appropriate codes of conduct are strictly adhered to;
people in the devastated areas be compensated, the need by the mining organisations to be socially responsible in terms of
providing amenities etc just as the government should expedite action in providing water for the people of the area.
In moving his own motion, Honourable Muyiwa Ojekunle representing Irepo/Olorunsogo Strate Constituency recalled
that huge amount of money is spent on education. But for the huge sums not to be in vain and for the efforts of the government
in the education sector to be fruitful teachers must be made to complement government’s effort in this regard so "the
performance of our students in the NECO and SSCE examinations will tremendously improve"
Towards this end, Ojekunle urged the House to call on the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and
the Teaching Service Commission(TESCOM) to facilitate "an arrangement to organise preparatory classes for two hours after
closing time from Monday to Friday in the week".
Contributing, Honourable A. Akinrinade (Akinyele 1) commended the motion but suggested that the duration
be reduced to only one hour just as teachers who would handle these children should be given incentives.
In rounding off, the house speaker, Hon Azeez Alarape observed that education is sine qua non. As such, the
state should strive to provide free, qualitative and compulsory education for the people in line with section 18, chapter
II of the constitution which, according to Honourable A. A. Olateju (Ogbomoso South) enjoins the government to provide free
and compulsory education whenever possible.
Lawmaker condemns attack on MPs
The recent phenomenon in which members of parliament are being physically assaulted has been condemned not
only because of its barbarity but also because of the serious danger it poses for the growth of our nascent democracy.
Handing down the condemnation in Ibadan last week was chairman, Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
in the Oyo State House of Assembly, Honourable Dauda Ademola Titilola (Oorelope) in a chat with Oloye News.
Speaking against the backdrop of an attack on some members of the state assembly members on the floor of
the house penultimate Tuesday, Hon. Titilola asserted that members are not in the House as individuals but as representatives
of the constituencies they represent. Besides, the best of decorum and civility is expected from members who are regarded
as honourables. "It is therefore a thing of shame and regret to find honourable members being assaulted with or without the
connivance of fellow members".
On the first of March this year, members of the public were stunned to hear of the reported attack on some
members of the Oyo State House of Assembly. According to one of the victims of the attack, Honourable Babatunde Eesuola (Atiba),
they are arriving in ones and twos on the fateful day for the day’s deliberation when some hoodlums descended heavily
on them.
"We were right inside the venue being used presently for our sitting (the actual venue is under renovation)
waiting for the mace and the speaker to come for us to begin the day’s deliberations. Suddenly, some hoodlums burst
into the House and pounced on some of us. Nefore you could say Jack Robinson, a
bout four of us have been mercillessly and unnecessarily attacked physically".
Besides himself, Honourables Isiaka Adeola (Ido), A Fajinmi, Jelili Adeleke (Akinyele 1) and Kazeem Ayilara
(Ibadan South West) were also assaulted. Esuola’s cloth was actually torn. It was the Hon. Dauda Titilola who lent him
his jacket to cover up as he and the others were taken to hospital and then home after the incident was reported at the police
Adeleke was reportedly beaten to a state of coma, but he has since regained his health and is fully back
at the House to represent his people accordingly.
A quick intervention by some police officers and a few others around saved Titilola when one of the hoodlums
tried to attack him with a chain. It was he who eventually drove the car that conveyed the victim of the unexpected to a hospital
for medical attention.
According to both Esuola and Titilola, those attacked were members thought to be "the brains behind the move
to condemn the percieved anomalies of the leadership of the House". While not denying that some of them have some reservation
regarding how some affairs of the house are being ran, the two legislators contended that there is nothing strange in people
seeing things differently under democracy. "Under democracy, everyone has a right of opinion. Although the majority would
have its way, the minority should not be denied its right of say. This fact is recognised and acknowledged anywhere in the
world where democracy is being practised. Ours should not be an exception" they insisted.
Ademola who attributed the incident to the misunderstanding "that has to do with issues, persons and events"
urged his colleagues to imbibe the spirit of democratic. "There is nothing wron in a legislator who sees a leader who is not
doing well moving a motion for his remover. If he succeeded fine, if not, well.... that is his luck. All is democaracy in
action". He added that a thing of that nature can not be done by an individual anyway, since it must be a decision of the
Recalling various incidents of legislators both at national and local levels being attacked either by colleagues
or by outsiders, the lawyer-politician urged Nigerian politicians to learn how to settle differences in a peaceful and civil
manner "rather than resorting to physical attack and violence".
When contacted, Speaker of the House, Honourable Mikhail Azeez Alarape washed his hands completely off the
incident. According to him, he and a few others were in his office when they heard that there was a commotion downstairs.
After sometime they heard that all was well. They then went down for the day’s business. He maintained that he is a
man of peace who would not organise any attack on any of his colleague. He surmised that perhaps it was members of the public
who heard that some members "were planning something funny" that planned the attack with a view to aborting "their diabolic
plan". Alarape submitted that he runs an open administration and would not antagonise the executive as some probably wanted
him to do. "We were not elected to come and confront any arm of government. We are to work together".
Within the tenure of the present administration, the following members have been assaulted either within
the precint of the House or outside Honourables Jacob Ojekunle, Josiah Olorunfemi, Muhammed Makoju, Salau Kehinde, Hon Inakoju,
SulaimanTijani and Hon. Fasola. These were apart from happenings in various local government councils and at the National
Assembly where two senators started the fray by slapping each other in the open (Senators Kuta and Anisulowo). The following
week, House of Representatives members followed suit when a lady Rep slapped a colleague in public.
Referring to all these, Dauda Titilola submitted that situations like these do not augur well for the enthronement
and growth of viable democracy in Nigeria. He therefore called for better handling of situations, mature approach on the part
of the leadership and inculcation of democratic norms by all especially the politicians.
COIN insists on Oke ogun State
Protem chairman of Council of Oke-ogun Indigenes (COIN), Barrister J.A. Ige has reiterated the need to have
a state specifically for the area known as Oke-ogun.
Speaking with Oloye News after the executive council meeting
of the organisation which held at Ibadan in January, the law practitioner said that his people are still very much on their
agitation for the creation of Oke ogun state "because we believe that it is the surest way of putting a permanent end to the
agelong marginalisation and neglect of our area by successive administrations in Nigeria and in the geo-political configurations
we have always find ourselves since Nigeria came into being".
According to Ige, development challenges being faced in Oke ogun are not merely a consequence of resources
"but that of sheer indifference by those who had been - and are still - at the helm of affairs."
among the challenges pointed to are lack of good road network, communication facilities, functional and widespread
electricity, adequate educational and health facilities.
Other things he pointed to included industries, pipe-borne water from which people would get regular and
clean supply, educational institutions from where youths in the area can obtain higher education, among others.
"There are abundant natural resources in the area which are not being exploited for the betterment and advantage
of the people."
Ige who is also a church deacon called on Oke ogun indigenes who are in positions of authority to use such
positions in the best interest of the people and the area.
"They know the problem of the area. It is incumbent on them to use their office to do things that would help
in one area or the other whether in the area of water, electricity, road, telecommunication anyone. We are not saying that
they alone can do it by their own resources. But they can get those in authority to include the area in various proposals
for development"
On the forthcoming census exercise, Deacon Ige appealed to the people to come out massively and be counted.
He further urged those who are outside the area to go home and register "so that we do not have the kind of distortion we
had in the last census (of 1991)." Irepo inaugurates Poverty Alleviation Committee
Irepo Local Government of Oyo State has constituted a committee to monitor efforts at alleviating poverty
in the area.
Members of the committee are Alhaji J.S. Amodu, chairman; Pastor Tayo Shittu, secretary; while the following
are members:
Hon. Azeez Bonuola, Hon. Mrs A.A. Adeniyi, Hon. R.F. Oronla, Hon. R.A. Irekeola and Chief Amusa Owoade.
Others are Mr Jimoh Olaniyan, Hon. Adewale Kazeem and Hon. M.A. Ojo.
Poetry Corner
(for Tsunami Victims)
by Sampson Abdu Odidi
Pangs, pains and puzzles
To heavens they soared
Sri Lanka, Somalia, India
Indonesia, Malaysia
Reluctant submission to a
Year-end Disaster
Gnawing at the human race
Leaving in its wake
Orphans, widows and widowers
Sicknesses and diseases
Hunger and starvation
- Telltales of an unwanted Visitor
What a Xmas present
At a holy season!
The horrific Tsunami swarm
And smashed its way
To ravage the earth
What a tragic Sunday
No warning, no alarm, no caution!
The sea quaked and opened its bowels
The crust of the ocean roared
Spurning fire and tidal waves
As it feasts on innocent mortals
On a Boxing Day!
Hoodwinked we were
Into a traumatizing celebration
Of the birth of the King of Kings.
The joy of the earth
Turned the sorrow of the world!
A promised abundant life
Climaxed into abundant death!
Is the end of time at hand?
Or a cryptic bye to 2004?
Dastardly visitor
Come hither no more!
Sampson A Odidi
Lokoja, Nigeria,
December 2004
Oyo House gets new Clerk
A new Clerk/Permanent Secretary has been appointed for the Oyo State House of Asembly (OYHA). He is Mr Okesola
A tested technocrat, Okesola was, until his deployment to the House, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of
Special Duties, Oyo State.
Born at Iseyin in Oke ogun area of Oyo State, Okesola had his elementary and secondary education respectivley
at NUD Primary School, Iseyin and St Marks Secondary School, Osogbo. He thereafter proceeded to the University of Ilorin where
in 1979, he bagged a degree in History. Ten years later, he acquired a postgraduate degree in Public Administration from the
Obafemi Awolowo university, Ile-Ife.
But his thirst for knowledge did not end there as he went further to read law, this time, at the University
of Abuja from where he obtained an LLB degree in the year 2004.
Now the higherst ranking civil servant in the state’s legislature, Okesola’s career began a year
after his university education when he was apppointed as an administrative oficer in 1980 by the oyo State Civil Service Commission.
He was making steady progress until July 1992 when he became the director, Oyo State Liaison Office, Kaduna. He was there
till December 1993.
From Kaduna, he moved to Abuja in 1993 to the state’s liaison office where he spent the next five years.
In 1997, he was brought to Ibadan to become director, Manpower and Planning Services, Ministry of Establishment and Training.
He served in this capacity for two years as he was transferred to the Local Government Service Commisssion in 1999 where he
served as dirctor, Finance and Administration until 2001. His next port of call was Ministry of Agriculture also as F&A
director. He became a permanent secretary in 2002 and was possted to the Ouyo State Liaison Office, Lagos.
He returned to Ibadan in September 2003 to assume office as permanent secretary, Ministry of Special Duties, in which capacity
he served until February 3, 2005. The following day, he reported at the Oyo State House of Assembly as Clerk/PS to replace
Mr Folorunso Adeyemo.
Married to Olufunmilayo (nee George), Okesola has four children. Oloye News wishes him a successful
Ogunbiyi passes on
Renown Evangelist, prophet and community leader, Pa David Oladokun Adisa Ogunbiyi (JP) bade the world goodbye
after spending 79 years on the surface of the earth.
He died on January 25, 2005 after a brief illness.
Until his death, he was chairman of U.M.C.A. Bethlehem Church, Igbeti .He played very prominent role in the
founding of the said church which came into existence in 1976.
An educationist and religious leader, Ogunbiyi is one of the early educated elites in Igbeti.
He is survived by his wife, younger brother, Daniel children among others.
His children are James, Leah, Micheal and Kofo et al.
He was buried among pump and pageantry on February 12. Final funeral ceremony comes up in August.
OYCOF plans retreat
Concerned with the penchant of Oke ogun political elites to obstruct development moves that do not come from
their own political camp, the Oke Ogun Youth Consultative Forum (OYCOF) is planning a retreat for all political leaders in
the Oke ogun.
Sources close the organisation informed Oloye News that the retreat is to hold around June this year.
It would be recalled that speaker after speaker at the flagging-off campaign organised by the group penultimate
Saturday at Iseyin harped on efforts that had been made in the past at bringing development to the area but often thwarted
by members of parties different from those of the purveyors of the development plans. The guest speaker, Prof Yisa Kehinde
Yusuf actually challenged the group to dig into why this is so and profer means of bringing an end to it.
The planned retreat which is to hold somewhere in Oke ogun is to be opened to everyone from Oke ogun without
prejudice to political opinion or affiliation.
Agboola bids world goodbye
The death has been announced of a frontline politician, community leader, author, publisher and politician,
Prince Afolabi Oyeleke Agboola.
He died early on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 at the age of 68.
A native of Sepeteri, Saki East Local Government of Oyo State, Prince Agboola is renown for his tireless
effort at seeing that the area that is now known as Oke ogun is recognised, adulated, emancipated and developed.
Luckily, the campaign he started has a lot of acolytes. Among his immediate successors were Alhaji Olopoenia,
Chief Jonathan Aderounmu, Deacon D.A. Oyedemi, Barrister J.A. Ige, Chief Bayo Oluleye, Chief O.O. Ogundare, Chief Nathaniel
Owoade, Late Alhaji Abilujegbe, Late Barrister T.T. Lakunle, Deacon J.P. Olanrewaju, Dr Francis Ayandele, Professor Layi Eegunjobi,
Architect Bayo Kolajo, Pa Kilanko, Architect Niyi Kehinde, Prof Said Malik among several others.
Speaking on the passing away of the patriot, Saki East Local Govenment chairman, Honourable Muda Dayo Ogunsola
said that a big vacuum has been created.
He described the late Prince as a big tree which provided shade for many. Ogunsola who condoled the immediate
family of the deceased promised that steps would be taken to immortalise the patriot by keeping the touch he lit flying.
Oke Ogun and the 2005 Census
The Way Forward
1. The National Population Commission (NPC) is set to conduct the 2005 census. It has started trial census
in some areas across the length and breadth of the country. By January 2005, it hopes to recruit more permanent and ad-hoc
staff to complement available personnel with a view to having a hitch-free census in November, 2005.
2. Oke Ogun must be fully prepared to participate actively in this exercise to avoid the cycle of under representation
occasioned by our action and inaction of the past. The verdict of the 1991 census tribunal is a testimony to this.
- Our votes would not count at elections.
- The number of our representatives at all levels of government would be insignificant.
- Our region would become a minority, as such we may never be able to determine who gets what and how in
the state.
- The fund allocation to our local government councils would not appreciate.
- Developmental projects to our region would not improve.
- Our desire for the actualisation of Oke Ogun State may not materialise.
* All of us, true sons and daughters of Oke Ogun must seek information about census 2005 and pass this on
to one another.
* We must be ready to be involved fully in the census exercise as mobilizers, staff (both permanent and adhoc),
participants and monitors.
* All sons and daugthers must make it a point of duty to be counted at Home.
* We must insist that enumeration starts as scheduled and closes only when actual counting is over.
* We must ensure that all our communities, towns, villages, hamlets, farmsteads etc are visisted and enumerated
* We should extend our friendship and hospitality to the enumerators to enable them discharge their duties
without any hindrance.
* We should form Monitoring Groups in our towns and villages to monitor the exercise and keep independent
records for comparison with NPC’s final figures.
This awareness campaign is by Oke ogun Youth Consultative Forum (OYCOF)
P.O. Box 10692, Dugbe, Ibadan, Oyo State.
O’sogo revives Chairmanship Cup competition
As part of its effort at developing sporting activities in the local government, Olorunsogo Local Government Council under
Hon. Mukadam Akib Abubakar has started an annual soccer competition tagged Chairmanship Soccer Competition.
According to the Supervisor for Education and Community Development, Chief Tunde Ayandeyi, the competition is opened to
all soccer teams and clubs in Olorunsogo Local Government Area.
Current edition of the competition held between December 27, 2004 and January 29, 2005. Venue was UMCA Grammar School football
pitch. Declaring the competition opened, the Onigbeti of Igbeti, Oba Oyekan Oyebisi Afasegbejo II urged the people to engage
in one sport or the other "because it keeps one fit and healthy". He advised competing teams not to regard the event as a
do or die affair but one for exercise and development of their skill.
Mr Femi Adelodun, the match commissioner, enjoined the players to regard the competition as an opportunity to sharpen their
skill and put themselves in a vantage positions for moving into big time soccer with a view to bringing glory to Olorunsogo.
Among the teams that participated were Oloye Young Stars, Aranse Babes, Mighty Rocks, Promoters Club, Ayan Babes, National
FC and Unity Football Club.
With the match commissioner were Mr Raheem Oyebisi, Hon. Hameed Oke, Saminu Oladele and Ogundele Jonathan. Referees of
the matches were Peter Olatunde, Jimoh Olajide, Moses Ayansola, and Job Ogunbiyi.
Among dignitaries that graced the occasion were Moses Adetoro, Gbile Ayantola, the council’s secretary, Hon. Seyi
Bamikunle and the competition’s organising committee members, Chief Tunde Ayandeyi, Hon. Akin Ayelaagbe, Mr Yemisi Feyisipe,
Mr O. Biodun, Mr Ezekiel Babalola and Mr Olayiwola Kayode among others.
Match commentator was Moses Adesina (a.k.a. Adonija).
Ewu n be lori dida Ipinle Oke ogun sile
Gbogbo akitiyan ti awon kan n se lati ri pe agbegbe Oke ogun ni ipinle tire le ma jo o, latari awon igbese kan ti n lo
lowo ni Abuja, Ibadan, Oyo ati Ogbomoso.
Idi abajo ni pe awon Ibadan n sise takuntakun lati ri pe Ibadan da duro gege bi ipinle kan. Ko si ohun to
buru ninu eleyii rara. O to, o si ye, paapaa julo bi a ba se iranti pe awon ilu yooku ti o je olu-ilu agbegbe (Region) pelu
Ibadan laye atijo loti da ni Ipinle tiwon. Awon ilu wonyi ni Enugu ati Kaduna. Nipa bayii, dida ipinle sile fun Ibadan yoo
wa ni ibamu pelu eto ti awon ilu yooku ti ri gba ni.
Sugbon niwon igba to je pe ipinle kansoso ni o see se ki won pin lati agbegbe iwo-oorun (South-west) laara
eyi ti Ipinle Oyo wa, bi won ba ti fun Ibadan tabi Oluyole ni ipinle, o ti di pe awon isori to ku ni ipinle Oyo bayi ni won
yoo ko papo si ojukan niyan. Awon isori wonyi ni Oke ogun, Oyo ati Ogbomoso. Ibadan ni awon Ibarapa n ba lo, gege bi apere
se fi han.
Bi awon isori meta ti a menuba yii ba parapo, ko lee seese ki Oke ogun nikan da wa gege bi Ipinle.
Olobo ti n so wa tile fi han pe awon kan ti n se akitiyan lati ri pe olu-ilu ipinle ti je jade nibi iparapo
awon isori meta yii ko bo si owo Oke ogun. Bi Oyo se fe ki o bo si oun lowo ni Ogbomoso ko sinmi. Awon mejeeji lo si ni awon
eniyan ti n ba won rin si oro naa.
Aikenupo Oke ogun ati didu ara eni nikan dipo ki a ja fun gbogbogboo wa lara ohun ti o ti n fa Oke ogun sehin.
Boya iro ohun ti m bo yii le je ki awon ti oro kan tun ero won pa.
Oje, Agbonle naa
Afefe iji lile kan to fe latari ojo to ro ni ibere osu keta ti a wa yii ho ile ni agbegbe Iwo Oorun ati Ila
Oorun Saki.
Ni ilu Saki gangan, awon agbegbe ti oro naa kan ni Ajegunle, Sanngo ati Isale Oke.
Ni ijoba ibile Ila Oorun Saki ewewe, ategun lile naa se ose ni ilu Agbonle ati Oje Owode.
Opolopo dukia olowo iyebiye ni ategun naa baana. Bee ni o ho ile opolopo lo.
Alaga ijoba ibile Ila Oorun Saki, Alhaji Muda Dayo Ogunsola lo ba eniyan ti oro naa kedun.
O ro won ki won fi owo wonu. O si se ileri pe ijoba yoo se iranlowo to ba ye fun awon ti oro naa kan laipe.
Honerebu Ogunsola wa ke si ijoba apapo ati ti ipinle Oyo lati se iranlowo fun awon eniyan naa "nitori ajalu
ti enikankan ko gbadura re lo de yii".
Idanwo fun awon ti n wase oluko
Ajo ti n se konkari awon oluko ni ile-iwe alakobere ijoba ni ipinle Oyo yoo se idanwo fun awon to fe gba
ise lodo re ni ojo Satide ojo kokandinlogun osu yii (March 19, 2005) ni awon Iseyin, Saki, Oyo, Ogbomoso, Ibadan ati Eruwa.
Iro ti a gbo lati olu ile ise ajo SPEB ni ibadan so pe aaro ni idanwo yii yoo bere ni gbogbo ibi ti yoo ti
waye. O ni ki awon to ti gba iwe mo fe sise o lo si ibi ti won ba fe gba ise si. Ibe ni won yoo ti se idanwo tiwon.
Alaga ajo naa, Ojogbon Taoheed Adedoja so pe eniyan bi okoo lo gba iwe mofe sise, sugbon egberun marun-un
pere ni ajo naa yoo gba lowo bayi naa lara won to ba yege idanwo.
Yato si idanwo ati ifi oro wanilenuwo ti yoo tele, awon ti ajo naa yoo ba fun nise yoo tun ni idanilekoo
eyi ti ajo naa pelu ifowosowopo ajo ti n fi oruko awon oluko (Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria) sile yoo jo se.
Adedoja fi kun oro re pe ajo oun yoo nilo ogota o le marun-un milionu naira kun iye ti o n na bayii lati
fi san owo awon tisa titun ti o sese fe gba yii. Bakan naa ni o ro awon oluko ti ko tii fi oruko sile pelu Teachers Registration
Council lati tete se bee nitori pe lehin osu meta si asiko yii, epa ko ni boro mo. Eto gbogbo lo ti
ko lati gbe owo apapo elegberun kan naira odindi jade.
Iro ti a gbo lati ile ifowopamo ijoba apapo (Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN) so pe inu osun keje odun yii ni
owo ti a wi yii yoo jade sita fun nina.
A o se iranti pe odidi owo alapapo ti o wa nita bayii ti o je owo onibeba ni eedegbeta (N500), igba (N200),
ogorun (N100), aadota (N50), ogun (N20), naira mewaa (N10) ati naira marun-un (N50).Nigba ti naira kan ati aadota kobo je
owo-irin. Biotilejepe awon eniyan ko se bee na owo irin yii to bee mo.
Awon kan woye pe gbigbe egberun naira alapapo jade bayii yoo se ipalara pupo fun owo ile Naijiria nipa pe
owo ko ni ni iye lori mo.
Ohun ti o mu ifoya yi nwa ni afiikun pe ijoba ko ni gbe naira marun-un ati naira mewaa jade ni beba mo afi
ni owo-irin, baba ati oje.
A o se iranti pe bi owo kan ba ti je owo irin ni ko ni je nina tobee mo ni Naijiria.Eyi ri bee nitori wiwuwo
won ati dandan ti yoo je lati ru opolopo iru owo bee ki a to le ko iye owo ti a fe na jo.
Opo eniyan ni ko ni i fe ru eru owo ti yoo wu tuulu lowo tabi lapo re latari jija lowo gba to gbode kan ni
ile Naijiria bayii.
Ki awon Oyinbo to ko owobeba ati owo-irin de, owo-eyo ni awon tose wa sile n na. Owo niye lori nigba naa
nitori pe nnkan ko won bayii, beeni eke, wobia, ojukokoro ati ole ko kun ile aye bi i ti isisiyi.
Ifoya pataki to tun wa ni pe asiko ti owo titun ba jae, awon eniyan, paapaajulo awon omode maa n sonu niluu.
Eyi n waye nitori awon onse ibi ti n fi eya ara eniyan sowo. Opo lo toka si mimu ti won mu obinrin kan l’Ekoo laipe
yii nibi ti o ti n ji awon ogota le merin (64) omo gbe lo. Inu oko eja-tutu ti won de pa lo ko awon omo naa si. oju-ona kan
ni Ijora-Badiya ni won ti gbe mu. Ojo ori awon omo to ko naa wa laarin osun mewaa si odun merindinlogun. Meta ninu awon omobinrin
to wa nibe tile loyun sinu, nigba ti okan ninu won bimo ni ojo keji ojo ti won mu won.
Siwaju eyi, ijoba Ipinle Eko ti ti ile itoju omode aladani kan pa ni agbegbe Ogba latari pe won n fi awon
omo ile itoju naa se isekuse.
Odun 1864 ni ijoba Geesi da owo riro sile ni awon ilu ti n se akoso won ni ile Alawodudu.
Iru owo kan naa ni gbogbo orile-ede to wa ni Afrika eyi ti Oyinbo Geesi n se ijoba le lori nigba naa.
Nigba ti Naijiria gba ominira ni odun 1960, ijoba se idasile banki ijoba apapo lati ara banki iwo ile oorun
Afrika ti ijoba Geesi da sile tele.
Banki yii ni n se eto owo ti a n na ni ile Naijiria. Oluleye
n fi omo f’oko
Idapo mimo ati igbeyawo alarinrin yoo waye laarin Oluwatoyin Folasade Oluleye ati Olugbenga Mayowa Falana.
Ayeye igbeyawo yoo bere ni ojo Alamisi ojo kerinlelogun osu keta (24/3/2005) ni ile Oloye Bayo Oluleye; 2,
Opopona Ojeleye, Orita Basorun (Bodewaasinmi) Ibadan bere lati agogo meji osan. Ibi yi ni igbeyawo lona ti ibile yoo ti waye
- pelu mimo iya mimo baba.
Ojo satide to tele (26/3/2005) ni ayeye igbeyawo yoo tun sele ni ile ijosin Onitebomi Oritabasorun Baptist
Church, Basorun, Ibadan. Agogo mokanla owuro ni eyi yoo waye. Ni kete ti isin ba ti pari ni awon ero ati lokolaya yoo lo si
gbongan awon ijoye (House of Chiefs), Secretariat, Agodi, Ibadan, nibi ti iweje-wemu yoo ti waye.
Oyebisi yoo se’yawo onibeji
Ese girigiri ni yoo wo ilu Igbeti ni ijoba ibile Olorunsogo ni ojo kerindinlogbon osu keta odun yii (26/3/2005)
nibi ti idile Oyebisi yoo ti fi omo fun oko ti won yoo si tun gbe iyawo fun omokunrin won kan.
Irohin to te Oloye Gbode lowo fi han pe Arabinrin Ganiyat Bola Arike ti i se omo Ogbeni Raheem Ajibola
Oyebisi yoo lo si ile oko re, Arakunrin Husaini Taiwo Amao nigba ti egbonkunrin Ganiyat, Surajudeen Oyekunle Olayanju Oyebisi
yoo di oko Aarabinrin Islamiyat Folasade adegboye Olarinde ni ojo ti a wi yii. Ise onisegun oyinbo ni Kunle Oyebisi ko ni
ile eko giga Ladoke Akintola (LAUTECH).
Ori papa ile eko giga Ogunbode ni ayeye igbeyawo ni ona Musulumi yii yoo ti waye. Agogo mewaa owuro ni Nikkah
naa yoo bere. Ki Oluwa o fi adun si gbogbo igbeyawo naa , ase.
Eda Apileko Igbimo Yoruba fun Apero ti n waye ni ile Naijiria. (Yoruba version of the Yoruba Agenda prepared
for the country’s National Conference)
Eka ajo ti n se konkaari eto-omoniyan kan, ASETO, ni n gbe iwe irohin Afonrere YORUBA ati jade. http://afonrereyoruba.tripo.com
ni e ti le ri iwe irohin yii ka.
Awon omo Oduduwa ti a mo si Yoruba ki i gbehin bi o ba di pe ki a se eto bi ilu yoo se dara, bi aye yoo se
dun-un gbe, bi iderun yoo se wa fun mutumuwa ati bi idagbasoke, ilosiwaju, alaafia, irepo ati alekun-imo yoo se wa lawujo.
Eyi lo se je pe awon eniyan ti a wi yi wa lara awon to koko laju ni gbogbo agbaye, gege bi itan adayeba, itan afojuri, asa,
isesi ati igbesi aye won se fi han.
Nitori naa, ko je iyalenu pe won wa lara awon to koko bere si i kigbe pe igbese orile-ede Naijiria ko dara
to latari mimu aye derun, fifi eto olukaluku le lowo ati sise akoso ilu bo ti to ati bo ti ye. Iduro won ni pe o ti to asiko
ki gbogbo awon eya to wa ni orile-ede yii se apero latari bi a o se jo maa gbe po ni ona ti ohun to to si olukaluku yoo fi
maa to lowo, ti ile yoo fi roju, ti ona yoo si raye.
Lehin bi odun meedogun ti atotonu yii ti bere, ijoba ti Ogagun Olusegun Obasanjo yii n se akoso re gba ki
apero waye. Sugbon iru apero ti oun n so yato die si eyi ti awon to ti n la kaka lori oro yi n beere fun. Ona meje pataki
ni iyato fi wa laarin ohun ti a o pe ni Apero Obasanjo ati Apero Awon Ara-Ilu. E je ki a menu ba won ni okookan.
· Apero Obasanjo
1 Ijoba ni yoo yan pupo awon irinwo omo Naijiria ti yoo lo se apero yii.
2 Ki i se pe gbogbo eya to wa ni Naijiria ni yoo ni asoju nibe.
3 Oro oselu nikan ni apero yii gbodo da le lori.
4 Ijoba ni yoo yan awon oloye fun apero naa.
5 Ijoba ni igbimo ti yoo se apero yii yoo je abo fun.
6 Ile Igbimo Asofin Apapo yoo se agbeyewo Ifenuko Igbimo Apero naa.
7 Ile Igbimo Asofin ni Abuja ni yoo se ofin ti yoo so abajade naa di mimulo.
Apero ti Awon Ara-ilu n fe
1 Ibo lo ye ki a fi yan awon asoju.
2 Gbogbo eya to wa ni Naijiria lo gbodo ni asoju nibi apero yii.
3 Gbogbo ohun to kan orile-ede Naijiria ni apero naa gbodo gbeyewo - oro oselu, oro-aje, eto eko, ibagbepo
laarin ara wa ati beebee lo.
4 Awon omo igbimo ni yoo yan oloye won.
5 Awon ara-ilu ni igbimo yii gbodo je abo fun.
6 Awon ara-ilu nikan lo gbodo ni ase lori eto siso abajade igbimo naa di ofin.
7 Ibo wipe ‘a farama’ tabi ‘a o farama’ ti awon ara ilu ba di nikan ni yoo so Abajade
igbimo naa di atewogba ti yoo si ro ni agbara; eyi ti a o ma lo fun itosona orile-ede wa.
Lati fi han pe awon o fi oro naa sere, awon Yoruba gbe igbimo Olori-jori dide lati sise lori ohun ti yoo
je agbekale omo Yoruba nibi eto apero naa. Yato si eyi, won ko gbehin nibi eyi ti awon afenifere-ilu n se eto re.
Ki o ma di pe oro naa ba won ni ebafoo tabi ki o ba won ni papamora, won se agbekale ohun ti won ro pe Apero
naa gbodo da le lori. Igbimo Alabesekele meji ni won yan lati sise lori erongba Yoruba.
Koko ifenuko awon omo alabesekele yii ni a se si isale yii. Sugbon ki a to se eyi, o se pataki ki a fi afiyesi
igbimo naa to yin leti. Merin ni afiyesi yii. Iredi won yoo han si yin bi e ba ti n ka won. Igbimo yii se ipade meta - meji
ni ilu Eko, okan ni Ibadan. Nibi ipade meteeta, gbogbo ese omo igbimo lo pe, eyi ti o n fi mimo riri pataki ise ti a gbe le
awon omo igbimo naa lowo han.
Awon akosile mewaa ni igbimo yii se ayewo won gege bi itosona fun ise ti won fe se. Awon Akosile naa ni:
1 Erongba Yoruba ti awon omo Oduduwa kan gbe jade ni 17/2/2005.
2 Iwe apileko awon oba, ijoye ati otookulu lati ipinle Eko, Ogun, Ondo, Osun ati Oyo eyi ti won ko ni 11/5/1994.
3 Apileko egbe kan ti a mo si Agbarijo (omo) Oduduwa lori atunse to ye ni orile-ede Naijiria.
4 Abadofin ti igbimo kan se fun ile Yoruba.
5 Akosile ona ti a le gba se Apero Gbogbogboo Alaselori (Sovereign National Conference) ati ti agbarijo awon
egbe ajijagbara ni ile Yoruba (COSEG) se eto re.
6 Aba ti egbe omo Oodua (Odua Peoples Congress, OPC) eka Gani Adams da lori sise eto Apero Gbogbogboo Alaselori
7 Awokose Ofin fun oril-ede Naijiria (model constitution) eyi ti Igbimo awon ara ilu (Citizens Forum) se
ni 14/1/2002.
8 Imoran Abadofin fun ijoba emida-iwoda fun orile-ede Naijiria eyi ti egbe kan ti n je Apata Bashorun (Bashorun
Rock) se.
9 Iwe apileko ti won gbe kale nibi ipade atunse ofin Naijiria ni odun 1996.
10 Iwe Ofin Isakoso Ijoba Iwo-oorun ile Naijiria (ti atijo).
Lehin iforikori, igbimo yii se afiyesi bii meloo kan. Lara won ni pe ko ye ki Yoruba ti i fi tifun-tedo ohun
ti won yoo so nibi ajoro gbogbogboo sita bayii niwon igba ti awon yooku ko ti i so tiwon sita. Sugbon ko si ohun to buru bi
won ba re awon nnkan wonyi lerefe fun awon onirohin, ki awon onirohin si gbe si eti awon ara-ilu.
Won ni o se pataki ko je pe Erongba Yoruba yii ni awon ti yoo lo soju eya Yoruba nibi Apero ti yoo waye gbodo
ma a tele, ohun ni won yoo si ma a ran mo enu lohun-un gege bi ise ti a fi ran won. Latari eyi, o se pataki ki awon Gomina
gbogbo ile Yoruba o gba eyi wole nitori awon ni ijoba apapo ni ki won yan eni mefamefa lati ipinle kookan won.
Bi o ti wu ki apileko kan dara to, awon nnkan kan le je jade ti ko si ninu apileko yii. Nitori eyi, igbimo
daba pe ki awon agbaagba Yoruba kan tun wa ni Abuja yato si awon ti yoo soju eya naa nibi apero ijoba. Awon agbaagba yii ni
yoo ma fun awon ti n soju Yoruba ni imoran lori awon ohun to ba tun n je jade.
Erongba Yoruba fun Atunse orile-ede Naijiria odun 2005
Koko ninu Erongba Yoruba ni ki a fun eya naa laye lati maa da omu iya re gbe, ki o ma da ero re pa, lai si
idiwo lati ita lori sise akoso ijoba ile Yoruba. Sugbon gbogbo ohun ti eya naa n beere fun yii ki i se nipa pipin Naijiria
yeleyele. Ohun ti yoo mu atunse ba ile Yoruba ati orile-ede Naijiria lapapo ni a n beere fun.
Ibo ni Yoruba wa?
Lowo bayii, ile Yoruba ati awon Yoruba tan de Ipinle Delta, Edo, Ekiti, Eko, Kwara, Kogi, Ogun, Ondo, Osun,
Oyo. Igbagbo wa ni pe awon Yoruba to wa ni Ipinle Eko, Ekiti, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo gbodo parapo wa ni Isori kan. Awon Yoruba
to wa ni Ipinle Kwara, Kogi, Edo ati Delta ni a si gbodo fun ni anfaani lati so boya won fee darapo mo awon elegbee won.
Iru ijoba wo ni a fe?
Latari eyi, igbagbo wa ni pe eto isakoso to dara julo fun orile-ede Naijiria ni ijoba emi-da iwo-da
(Federation) eyi ti yoo da lori Isori mefa ti a ti pin Naijiria si lowo bayii. Awa ko lodi si dida (awon) Isori miran sile
si bi o ba ti je pe Isori to wa ni Ariwa ati Guusu ko ni i ju ara won lo.
Lati igba iwase ni o ti je pe opo eya pelu asa ati esin won lo ti n gbe Naijiria. Awon ajoro olorijori to
se agbekale ofin isakoso gbogbo ti a ti n lo tele lo gba pe eto isakoso emi-da iwo-da lo dara fun orile-ede Naijiria. Gbogbo
laasigbo, aigbora-eni-ye ati airoju to ti n de ba orile-ede yii ko se lehin yiyapa kuro ni oju ona emi-da iwo-da yii. A o
woye pe lati odun 1966 ti iyapa yii ti waye ni rogbodiyan ti bere. Eyi lo mu da wa loju pe ona abayo fun orile-ede yi ni pipada
si eto isakoso emi-da iwo-da yii. Ninu eyi ti awon isori-isori yoo ni agbara lati se eto isakoso won gege bi agbara ati oye
won lai si pe ijoba apapo kan yoo ma je gaba lori won - gege bi o ti wa lowo bayii. Niwon bi o ti je pe eya kookan gbodo ni
eto lati se akoso re bi o ti fe, aye gbodo wa ki isori kookan se atunto ti yoo ba adugbo re mu. Latari eyi, awa eniyan to
wa ni awon Ipinle Iwo Orun bayi yoo ma je Agbegbe Yoruba. Agbegbe kookan gbodo ni ofin ti n se akoso re. Ohun to kan wa nibe
ni pe ofin adani yii ko gbodo tako ofin to so gbogbo wa po. Awa Yoruba yoo ni ijoba ipinle ati ti ibile ti o mu laakaye pelu
ifomoniyan se dani.
Eto oro aje
Igbagbo wa ni pe bi agbegbe kookan se n se ijoba ara won naa ni won gbodo ni eto lori eto oro aje won. Eyi
ni pe a gbodo pada si gbigba agbegbe kookan laye lati ni ase lori oro ati ohun imusagbara ti n jade lati agbegbe won. Apere
iru awon oro aje yii ni ti ile-ise, ohun ogbin, eto oko-owo ati owo-ori ti n jade nibi oja rira (Value Added Tax, VAT). Ijoba
apapo yoo si lase lori owo oya to n gba lori ile ise awakusa ati epo, sugbon ijoba agbegbe ni yoo ni oju owo. Paato ida-owo
ti yoo maa koja lo si odo ijoba apapo ni a gbodo duna-dura re; sugbon ko gbodo po ju. O gbodo wa ni ibamu pelu ojuse re ni.
Ijoba agbegbe kookan yoo lase lori bi o ti fe ma a pin owo ti n wole fun laarin awon eka ijoba to wa labe re.
Asunwon kan gbodo wa fun ofo ati adanu.
Omo ologun ati nnkan ija
Ofin agbaye lo de sise akoso okun ati omilabu gbogbo. Nipa bayii, awa ro pe ijoba apapo ni yoo ni
ase lori eto gbogbo to je mo okun ati ohun to wa nibe - paapaa julo agbami okun to ba ti sun koja aala agbegbe kan.
A gba pe Aare-Ona Kakanfo kan ni yoo wa fun awon omo-ogun ni orile-ede kan. Sugbon a gbodo se eto
naa ni ona ti awon omo-ogun ile yii yoo fi gba pe eto emi-da iwo-da lo joba.
Aka nnkan ijagun ati isagbara gbodo je pipin deede laarin awon agbegbe to ba wa lorile-ede yii ni.
Ajo Olusakoso gbodo wa fun awon ologun. Awon omo Ajo yii ni Aare orile-ede, igbakeji re ati awon olori agbegbe
Ise ologun fun awon odo
A gbodo so sise ise ologun fun odun kan di dandan fun awon omo metadinlogun si mokandinlogun; eyi ni laarin
asiko ti awon omo yoo fi ti ile eko oniwe mewaa bo si ile-eko giga agba. Awon agbegbe kookan yoo ni eso ti won. Eso yoo tun
wa fun etido gbogbo.
Agbegbe kookan yoo ni olopaa tire. Ijoba apapo naa yoo ni agbofinro tire. Agbara agbofinro apapo yii yoo
lase jakejado orile-ede yii. Igbimo Alaabo tabi Igbimo Agbofinro ni yoo maa fowo si sise agbega fun awon olopaa ati agbofinro
bere lati ori igbakeji alakoso olopaa. Aare, igbakeji re ati awon olori agbegbe kookan ni yoo je omo igbimo ti a wi yii.
Igbimo Awon Olusakoso (Council of State)
Igbimo Awon Olusakoso yoo wa. Aare, igbakeji re ati awon olori agbegbe kookan pelu awon to ti se akoso sehin
ni yoo je omo igbimo ti a wi yii. Sugbon igbimo naa yo yo awon to se akoso gege bi ologun sile.
Eto Idajo
Eto idajo naa gbodo tele ilana emi-da iwo-da. Ile-ejo to ga julo, Ile-ejo Giga Supriimu, naa ni yoo
ma a je olori fun gbogbo ile-ejo. Awon ti yoo ma a jokoo ni ile-ejo yii gbodo wa lati gbogbo agbegbe to wa ni orile-ede yii
ni. Agbegbe kookan ni yoo yan awon ti yoo soju won ni Ile-ejo Giga yii.
Ipo Adajo-agba yoo je mokanmokan laarin agbegbe to wa ni orile-ede yii. Odun marun-un marun-un ni enikookan
yoo maa lo lori aleefa gege bi Adajo-agba fun orile-ede wa.
Agbegbe kookan naa gbodo ni Ile-ejo giga agba (Supriimu), ile ejo kotemilorun, ile ejo giga. Agbegbe kookan
yoo ni agbara lori ejo gbogbo to suyo ni labe akoso ati adugbo won. Ejo to ba seyo latari ofin apappo, esun ipaniyan, ese
si ofin ti ile-asofin apapo se, itapa si ofin laarin ijoba agbegbe si ijoba agbegbe ati ijoba si ijoba nikan ni yoo di ohun
ti ile-ejo apapo yoo da si.
Osise Ijoba Apapo
A ko lodi si pe ki agbegbe kookan ni asoju nibi ise ijoba apapo. Lehin odun marunlelogoji ti a ti gba ominira,
ye ki eyi tun mu iru wahala ti n mu lowo bayi. Ipo to fi igbese kan din si eyi ti o wa tele ni eni ti o ba
koja lati ibi ise ijoba ibile, ti ipinle, tabi ti agbegbe lo si ijoba apapo gbodo wa. Eyi ri bee, nigba to je pe eru to wa
nibi ise apapo gbodo wuwo ju ti awon eka ijoba to wa labe re lo. Ko gbodo si ojusaaju nibi ise ijoba.
Iwo-da, emi da ni sise-n-tele ni ipo olori awon osise ijoba, alaga igbimo ti n se konkari osise ijoba apapo
gbodo je. Eyi ni pe bi asoju agbegbe kan ba setan, asoju agbegbe miran lo gbodo kan lati yan eni ti yoo di ipo ti a wi yii
mu laarin Ariwa ati Guusu orile-ede yii.
Gbogbo ajo tabi igbimo ti Ofin ile wa ba fun ijoba apapo lagbara lati da sile ni o gbodo ni asoju lati agbegbe
kookan. Agbegbe kookan ni yoo si yan asoju re funraare. Iye kan-naa ni omo igbimo tabi omo ajo ti a wi yii si gbodo je lati
agbegbe kookan.
Awon Nnkan ti ijoba kookan le se ofin le lori
Ni ibamu pelu iduro tiwa lori eto ijoba iwo-da emi-da ori-ko-jori, ero tiwa ni pe orisi Eto Isakoso
Ijoba Apapo (Exclusive Federal List) kansoso lo gbodo wa. Ko gbodo si eto miran to so pe ijoba apapo ati ti agbegbe le sofin
lori oro kan-naa (gege bi o ti wa lowo bayii). Gbogbo ohun to ba wa ninu eto isakoso ijoba apapo yii ni yoo wa ni ikawo ijoba
apapo, nigba ti gbogbo ohun ti ko ba ti si nibe yoo je eyi ti ijoba agbegbe yoo ni agbara lori won.
Ijoba Apapo
Awon nnkan ti ijoba apapo yoo ni ase le lori:
Eto isuna owo ijoba apapo ati ti awon osise ijoba apapo, ti ile-ejo ati awon osise ile-ejo ijoba apapo titi
ti o fi kan yiye awon iwe owo wonyi wo.
Iwe akosile, yato si ti awon ijoba agbegbe lati ojo ketalelogun osu kinni odun 1952.
Eto irinna oko ofurufu titi o fi kan aabo papako ofurufu ati lilo bibo oko ofurufu.
Owo yiya lati ehin odi.
Eto isuna owo, iru owo ti a o ma na ati bee bee lo.
Ohun ti a o gba gege bi ipasipaaro gege bi owo-nina; owo beba ati ti baba tabi oje.
Akoso Ile-ifowopamo ijoba apapo (Central Bank) ati eto ipasipaaro owo.
Eto to je mo idokowo
Ase nipa ogbon-atinuda ati imo (intellectual property).
Owo ibode fun oja ti n wole tabi ti n jade ati owo oya ti ile-ise nla-nla yoo maa san.
Eto abo
Ajo Igbimo Alaabo gbodo je gbigbende. Awon omo igbimo yii ni Aare, igbakeji Aare, Alakoso Eto Abo, Olusakoso
Agbegbe kookan, Alakoso eto abo ni agbegbe kookan. Idanilekoo, aka ohun isura ati ti ijagun titi o fi kan awon iwe asiri to
je aabo ni a gbodo pin logboogba kaakiri awon agbegbe ti a ni.
Eto ologun oju-omi. Sugbon gbogbo agbegbe lo gbodo ni asoju ninu eka omo-ologun yii lai fi oju rena kikun
oju owo.
Ohun ijagun kekere ati ninla
Agbegbe kookan gbodo ni olopaa tire. Awon omo agbegbe kookan lo gbodo je olopaa adugbo won. Akoso olopaa
agbegbe kookan yoo wa labe Olori Olopaa agbegbe naa ni ibamu pelu eto ti agbegbe naa se sile.
Ijoba apapo naa gbodo ni Igbimo Olopaa. Awon omo igbimo yii ni Aare, igbakeji re, awon alakoso agbegbe kookan
ati oludari olopaa agbegbe kookan. Gbogbo ohun to je mo oro olopaa ati igbega-lenu ise lati ipo igbakeji oludari olopaa lo
soke ni yoo je ojuse igbimo yii. Isorisori ni isura fun aseyege ise olopaa.
ati eto idanilekoo gbodo wa lai segbe si agbegbe kankan.
Lile oluwo kuro ni orile-ede wa. Sugbon igbimo Olusakoso gbodo fi ase si eyi ki o to fi ese mule.
Fifa arufin le awon ti n wa lowo.
Eto wiwole ati jijade titi o wi kan iwe ase irinna wo ile Naijiria.
Iwe ase irinna lo si ehin odi titi o fi kan iwe idanimo gege bi omo orile-ede Naijiria.
Eto idajo laarin ijoba apapo pelu awon to ba lejo pelu won, yala enikookan ni, ajo ni, ile-ise tabi eka ijoba
Ase lori iwadii, siso abajade iwadii di owo-sise ati oro-aje.
Owo ifehinti lenu ise ijoba eyi ti o gbodo maa ti inu asunwon apapo jade.
Eto ifiweranse, ibara-eni-soro, waya tite ati riranse ayarabiasa.
Ko gbodo si ka bi o ko si fun olusakoso kankan. Eyi ni pe enikeni ti won ba fura si ni won le gbe
lo si ile ejo lai fi ti ipo to di mu se.
Oko oju-irin
Ijoba apapo yoo ni ase lori oro oko oju-irin ati ohun to ro mo gbogbo. Sugbon ijoba agbegbe naa gbodo lase
lati da eto irinna reluwee sile niwon igba ti ijoba agbegbe naa ba ti tele ilana ti igbimo alamojuto eto irinna oju-irin
se. Gbogbo agbegbe lo gbodo ni asoju ninu igbimo yii ni dogbandogba.
Sise iwadii lori ohunkihun to jeyo ninu Eto Isakoso Ijoba Apapo gege bi a ti laa sile loke yii.
Awon oju-ona ijoba apapo - lila, sise atunse ati amojuto awon ona wonyi.
Igbimo Olusakoso Ile Naijiria (Council of Regions) ni yoo fi owo si iru awon ona ti a o pe Ona Ijoba Apapo.
Odiwon ati asunwon.
Oro okeere yoo wa ni ikawo ijoba apapo. Sugbon ijoba agbegbe kookan yoo ni ase lati ni asoju ni ile okeere
lori oro oko-owo ati ohun to jo o - bi o ba fe.
Lati agbegbe kookan (ni ona emi-da iwo-da) ni awon ti yoo maa se akoso awon ile-ise asoju Naijiria wonyi
gbodo ti wa. A gbodo ri pe awon ti yoo sise ni ile-okeere wonyi ko lodi si asa ibi ti won gbe won lo.
Eto ikaniyan
Aala yipo orile-ede
Eto ibo didi si ipo Aare, igbakeji ati ile igbimo asofin
Fifi ipo didanilola
Fifun oruko ile-ise ni iwe-ase ati fifi opin si idokowo. Awon ile ise bi adiyelofo, oko-owo ati beebee lo.
Eto Idajo Apapo
Eto irinna oko oju-omi
Irinna oju agbami ati lori odo Oya ati awon odo miran ti o so agbegbe bi i meloo po tabi eyi ti o wa laarin
Naijiria ati (awon) orile-ede miran.
Eto lori bi oju ojo se ri (Meterology). Sugbon agbegbe kookan le ni ase lati da ile ise wiwoju-ojo sile ni
adugbon won.
Omi ti o ba san koja ni agbegbe to ju eyokan lo. Igbimo awon olusakoso ni yoo ni oro lori omi ti o je ti
ijoba apapo iru eyi.
Ero ibanisoro, ikede, igbohunsafefe ti redio ati telifisan. Fifun-ni lase ati da ile-ise igbohunsafefe sile.
Awon ile itoju nnkan asa ati manigbagbe si.
Fifi owo te’we (fingerprint).
Ogba ewon.
Eto akoso ijoba
Agbegbe kookan gbodo lase lori iru akoso ijoba to ba fe, yala ijoba aare (bi i Amerika, Presidential
ti a n lo lowo bayii) tabi ijoba asoju (bi i ti ile Geesi, Parliamentary). Sugbon ijoba-asoju ni o gbodo wa
aarin-gbungbun ti o pa gbogbo wa po.
Egbe Oselu
Agbegbe kookan gbodo ni ase lati se eto iru egbe oselu ti o ro adugbo re lorun. Fun ibo si ipo ijoba apapo,
egbe oselu meji pere lo gbodo gbe’gba ibo kaakiri orile-ede yii.
Ile Igbimo Asofin
Eleka meta ni ile igbimo asofin apapo gbodo je. Akoko, ile-asofin awon asoju (Representatives)
eyi ti o je pe bi awon eniyan ba se po to ni a o fi yan won. Eekeji, Ile-asofin agba (Senate) eyi ti o je pe ogboogba
ni a o fi awon ti yoo lo sibe lati agbegbe kookan. Eketa ni ile igbimo awon lobaloba.
Agbegbe kookan yoo se eto ti o ba agbegbe re mu fun awon Lobaloba adugbo re. Sugbon ni ijoba apapo, Igbimo
Awon Lobaloba gbodo wa.
JARE AJAYI ti (ASETO Oke-ogun) ti i tun se Olootu iwe irohin Oloye
Gbode ati Afonrere YORUBA lo se eda Apero yii lati ede Oyinbo si Yoruba.
jareajayi@yahoo.com, africa_aseto@yahoo.com P.O. Box 10692, Ibaddan, Oyo State, Nigeria. http://afonrereyoruba.tripod.com
OLOYE NEWS is published by Oloye Communications Network Km 2 Igbeti-Igboho Road, P.O. Box 127, Igbeti; P.O.
Box 10692, Ibadan, Oyo State. Chairman: MRS R.A. GBADAMOSI; Editor-inChief and Publishing Director: JARE AJAYI. An enlightenment/information
organ of ASETO: africa_aseto@yahoo.com web: http:/oloyenewsgbode.tripod.com, www.abeokuta.org/Oloye.htm/com
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